We ate and hung out for a bit. My uncle Joey was getting ready to leave and we had parked our bikes behind his car. I went out and moved my bike and then my dad's. For some reason, i wanted to go around the block because the alley way behind my grandma's house is really fun on a bike. Lots of loose gravel to spin your tires.[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Tim/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG] I went down the alley way and turned around at the end to come back. Everything was great. i pulled up and turned around.
Now, I hope you guys don't think I’m completely unready to ride a bike, but when i pulled up behind my dad's bike I came in a little to hot and i locked my front wheel. In complete shock, i hopelessly approached my dad's beautiful 1982 KZ1000 that I had just moved for him. My bike tipped over and slid into my dad's bike and I fell onto the ground. My bike was on its side so it was still running. I jumped up and turned the key off and ran to my dad's bike which was half tipped over into my grandpa’s truck (luckily not the nice one he just finished rebuilding.) I don't know how I did it but I lifted that bike back up on my own and put the kickstand down. I then ran to my bike and picked it up from it's side, (It's only a 300 so it was kind of light) and wiped the gas up that ran down the side of the tank. I again ran to my dad's bike and very carefully looked it over to make sure i didn't damage anything. To my amazement, both bikes were fine. I went back in the house shaking uncontrollably. My dad playfully said, "did you drop it"
I said with a straight face "nope" I lied and felt sickened. I told my dad about it like 10
Minutes ago. He got ****ed because MY bike fell all the way over. I figured it would be A good story to post.