The woman was a member of the Iron Wolves RC. My co worker and friend Jaybird is also a member. The story is they were on a group ride going home from a chapter meeting when her husband on an HD Ultra hit a deer that spun out behind him causing her to run over it. Her most serious injury was to her head. She was only wearing a novelty.
Although these people are HD riders and not wearing all the gear all the time. I feel its important to support fellow riders especially in these rough financial times.
As far as my ride went, I had a great time. The HD riders gave me no grief for riding the GS. They didn't even make me ride in the back. That is unitl they realized how slow I was on some of the twistier roads. This is due to unfamiliar roads, and lack of riding time on those kinds of roads. I also was a little intimidated riding in a group Worried I F--up and ruin somebody elses day up as well as my own.

I read alot on here about the HD crowd. I personally know many and would say they are the nicest folks around. I hope I get some future road time with them as great day was had by all.
The woman who wrecked has some scars and slow healing leg but is expected to make a full recovery.

May we all ride safe and not have hold a poker run for our fellow GS'r