So, as I'm leaving the base, I still have the reflective back panel out. I come up to the stop light just outside the base and get into the turn lane. A woman that left just after I did pulls up behind me and left plenty of room behind me, which I was very happy with. So once the lights changes, I wait about 1 sec before going just in case. As I make the turn, I glanced in my mirrors and what to I see? I'm reading her F**kin tag!!! Once I straighten up, I turn around and sure enough, she's about 3 feet away from the rear of my bike. Since I'm in my full face helmet she can't see my expression or read my lips. I give her the "what the F**k" arm movement and all she does is SMILE. Oh god that made me hot. So I crack the throttle and speed away.
I slowed does about a mile later and was waiting to see if she would catch up. I was gonna CALMLY ask her what she would have done if for some reason I had to hit my brakes and do an OH SH!T stop. But she never did. It just goes to show ya that you can wear the brightest colors, paint your bike a bright color, or make your bike as loud as you can and STILL no one pays attention.
Here's the back panel that she was looking at.
On a side not, I removed all the ARMY patches and embroidery and replaced them with Air Force patches.