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I finally dropped my bike
I finally dropped my bike
Nothing major, no acident or anything. The other day I rode the bike to work since it finally isn't raining in Vermont. Trouble is that the temperature has been in the 30's or 40's in the morning when I head out. After a few miles at 50-60 MPH I came to a stop sign on a slight hill. The road on my left is a hill top where you never really know if anything is coming until it is already right on top of you. From the right, the sun had just peeked over the trees and I couldn't see what was coming if they didn't have their headlights on. Combine these three things with being frozen and I forgot to take my foot off of the brake when I tried to take off. The bike started to go but stalled just as I picked up my left foot. I got my foot back down but couldn't catch the bike. It seemed to take forever to fall over and I finally just set it down gently, took a breath and picked it back up. I always wondered if I could. I started it back up and had no more issues for the rest of the ride. I now dress a little warmer and either leave earlier to beat the sun or take a slightly different route if the sun has already come up. I am also practicing my hill starts in a safer area than a busy intersection. I was really hoping I could make it through my first year without doing something like this, oh well. I told some of the guys I ride with about it and they have all done it too so I guess I'm not the only one that has ever tipped over. Why does this stuff only happen when there are witnesses around?Tags: None
Pete Logan
I did almost exactly the same thing. Was planning to roll though an intersection but had to change to a stop when a car appeared. Forgot to pull the clutch and stalled the engine.
Then forgot to put my foot down
In front of about 200 riders in the nearby gas station
Lessons learned with minimal damage. You're ahead of the curve!Dogma
O LORD, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you! - David
Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense. - Carl Sagan
'80 GS850 GLT
'80 GS1000 GT
'01 ZRX1200R
How to get a "What's New" feed without the Vortex, and without permanently quitting the Vortex
It happens to the best of us..catch your pants leg on one of the foot pegs, your foot hits a slick spot at the gas falls over on the trailer.
Originally posted by Bruin View Post...............
It seemed to take forever to fall over and I finally just set it down gently, ..........................
Why does this stuff only happen when there are witnesses around?
Then did about the same thing a year later, and the same guy from work showed up again. Scheesch.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
Hmmm... Common thread here seems to be an aborted launch due to seeing something new. I hate that feeling of embarrassment and struggling to hold the bike up (haven't dropped it yet). I'm trying to figure how it is we're already moving and nearly committed before we know the way is clear.Dogma
O LORD, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you! - David
Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense. - Carl Sagan
'80 GS850 GLT
'80 GS1000 GT
'01 ZRX1200R
How to get a "What's New" feed without the Vortex, and without permanently quitting the Vortex
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
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- Toronto, Canada
There are some of us who, despite many years of riding, admit to having dropped a bike more than once.....while either barely moving or standing.
I just might be one of them.....
The last embarrassing moment was while I was on a ride with several others, including two GSers. We went through a village and in the middle of the road was a collection detail.
They were stopping traffic to collect donations for something I thought was worthwhile and volunteered to pay them something. As I leaned over to drop the money in the collection box the boy moved backwards and.....without thinking of the likely consequence...I leaned a bit farther to reach it. went over.
They got the money, and I got the consequence.
I have no problem in picking up a GK by myself, but the collection team was all nearby, about five of them, and were watching as I stopped and when I accepted the inevitable, stepped off and aside, and let the GK drop. They all ran over to help and got me up and away in just a few secondsA take-away:
One way or another, sooner or later gravity will catch up with you when on two wheels. And yes I've dropped both of my bikes.
I been riding a year and have dropped my bike a few times, but without witnesses (except for the damage that was done).
Once in the parking lot, pretty early on. Taking a turn tight and slow and down she went.
The "real" drop I had was when I was coming into my driveway one day in February. The roads were 95% clear of snow and ice. But that 5%'ll get ya if you don't watch out. I was turning into the driveway at a normally fine speed. Front tire hit a small patch of packed ice while I was turning and the next thing I know I'm crawling out from under my bike. There was no inbetween, no slow motion. The witnesses to this fall were my shattered turn signal and my cracked stator case.
A buddy of mine borrowed my bike for a few weeks to get his sea-legs under him (as it were) after he bought a 2006 Gold Wing. So I rode his wing for a few weeks. I dropped that baby (standing, not moving) 2-3 times too. Word to the wise: don't walk next to a 'wing when moving it from here to there. If you're gonna walk it, better sit on it and duckwalk. Otherwise you look at it funny and it'll tip, and you're not stopping it. From falling on your 550, for example. And you're not picking it up by yourself, either. Funny thing, though, about this wing... its crash bars stick out far enough that when the bike tips it doesn't actually fall all the way, it just lists to about 30 degrees."I have come to believe that all life is precious." -- Eastman, TWD6.4
1999 Triumph Legend 900 TT]
The first time I droppped a a bike it was my 82 GS 300 on the day my husband decided I had practiced long enough to go on my first major drive. We stopped to eat breakfast at Shoney's and as we were leaving I went to stop before pulling out onto the road and forgot to put my right foot down and over she went (as I was turning to the right when we stopped). Had to go home first and straighten a few things out before we went anywhere else.
Just 3 days ago I dropped my brand new 09 250 Ninja at the top of my driveway. Half on gravel, half on asphalt. I went to pull out and got overbalanced to the left as I went to turn and over she went. Busted left turn signal, gouged mirror, cracked fairing, scratched left leg, and messed up right knee. Oh, and the embarassment of having to call the hubby to come pick it up.
Twice in 27 years. Once while a passenger was getting on the back. Ooops ! misjudged his weight. Once demonstrating the front brake quick stop procedure to a new rider. My front rotors were warped which made the front tire grab and slide and ooops. Thats how NOT to quick stop.82 1100 EZ (red)
"You co-opting words of KV only thickens the scent of your BS. A thief and a putter-on of airs most foul. " JEEPRUSTY
Pete Logan
Originally posted by kerrfunk View PostAnd you're not picking it up by yourself, either.
60lb ladies can pick up a full dresser like this. 'Ride Like A Pro' video. HD oriented, but applies to all large cruisers.
Originally posted by bonanzadave View PostTwice in 27 years. Once while a passenger was getting on the back. Ooops ! misjudged his weight. Once demonstrating the front brake quick stop procedure to a new rider. My front rotors were warped which made the front tire grab and slide and ooops. Thats how NOT to quick stop.