I was riding along nicely when all of a sudden the bike sputters out and dies.
Turned out to be no big problem, just the gas line has pinched. So I got the bowls all primed up and proceeded to nurse the bike home so that I could fix the gas line.
I got about 5 blocks before it sputtered out again. This time she wouldn't restart because by this time I was wearing the battery down.
So I decided to call my wife, and she unhappily came to pick me up. I put the battery on charge for a couple hours while she went to bed. Then I loaded it into my back pack and went on the 30 minute walk back to the bike.
I installed the battery, got her started, and nursed her back home. Once there, I put a new gas line in, and made sure there was no way for it to pinch on me.
Satisfied that I had her all fixed up, I went for a little ride. Then I ran out out of gas. My fault completely.
By this time I was getting pretty frustrated, and these long walks home were getting old.
I got the bike gased up, took the car home, and then walked back to the bike and drove her home.
Morning comes and it is time to go to work. The ride is great and everything is going well, then the battery dies 2 blocks from work. This time the battery is gone for good.
I called around and finally decided on a battery from O'Reilly Auto Parts. They were nice enough to fill and charge it for me while I was at work.
Once I reinstalled the battery, I safely made it home. What a day!