Well after figuring out what bearing I needed, turns out to be 6302 2rs's I waited till morning to call NAPA. Well I called the first napa, nope, only got one. DAMN Second napa, yes we have 2 in stock, I asked them to put thier hands on them to just make sure... Yes, they got two right here, $10.79 each. w00t w00t!! I head to napa, I get there and mention I called about the 6302 bearings... Umm we got the 6203, let me check if we have the 6302, yep here we go, $44 each. :O WOW!!
Ok, back up plan, 10 miles from home, call 411 ask for King Bearing in Phoenix, AZ. Nothing comes up, but she was nice enough to give me a number to Chain, Belt, and Bearing, 27 miles away, but they had 12 on hand, and $7 each. Yay!! Drive all the way across Phoenix, in noon traffic.. OK head home to pull the old bearings, ouch, hmm, wore blind hole puller tools..

Now its 3:40pm too late to get to the DMV so I'll have to do that tomorrow to get inspected and plated. But on the drive I felt the chain was a little tight in spots, looking to get a new one before the weekend, but Im sure this one will last a bit longer... Biggest thing, the bike feels great riding! But I noticed the GS1100 doesn't like to hold a steady speed, makes weird noises, I suspect could be that chain jumping around making weird noises and I can feel it a bit in the bike riding at a slow steady speed. OK well I have an answer, open it up a little, 3k,..3,5k.... 4k ... 5k...5,5,6,7 whoa.. I guess the powerband is right there, feels good and I had to let off, wasnt expecting that.
Ok, back to a normal rpm, 3.5k or so at 40mph heading down to Wal-Mart, don't know why I was going there, but hey.. I gotta ride somewhere right?? Get to Wal-Mart, navigating the parking lot, jeesh this chain sucks at a snails pace. Park the bike, a Mountain Dew sounds great, walk over to the soda machine, hit the button, wheee, not sold out, $1.25, way better then QT at $1.49. Feed the protecter of soda a crisp clean $1 bill, then a shiny quarter...Ummm, dang, I see it in there, I'll put in another quarter to push that one down, ARRRGGG!!! Feed the bitch another $1 bill and it spits me $0.75, and jams my $1.75 bottle of mountain dew in a way that I have to use 2 hands on my knees to get the damn thing out. Ahh I got it, Im sooo glad this isn't your typical AZ day of 105 degrees... Today a nice breeze, 88 degrees, its nice and peaceful.
A few gulps and a smoke before I ride back home... OOH wait.. This looks like a great time to take a few pictures. I had some odd looks from people wondering why I was taking pictures of what apears to be an abondoned bike. But screw them its mine and I waited long enough to ride it.
SO there it is, a trip to the DMV in the morning, and a new chain and some detailing, along with some planned mait. along the way and I'll be ready for the 70 degree winter ahead of me.
