I mean "Warning, No Ticket. Thanks Brian."
Went for afternoon ride yesterday. First day that hasnt been rainy in over a week. Just over 50 degrees. Planning on an hour or maybe more ride, go on some curvey roads along a local river, then cross over river and come back on other side of river, some more curvey roads and cross over some bayous.
Part of the objective was to find some fall color scenes of crurvey road for a fall color picture with bike and road in picture. Wasnt finding much color, well, unless looking for the color brown. So added to objective to find some new roads that might go right down by river, and did find such, and did find some yellow color.
On way home, when back closer to town, speed limit drops to 45mph, goes past a busy gas station, then is a right hand curve. I often slow down when going past the gas station due to traffic situation there with the busy gas station, then accelerate comming out of the curve, well, because its a curve. This time time wasnt any traffic going in/out the gas station, so I quess I didnt slow down, and I quess I still accelrated going around and out of the curve. Saw a county sherriff approaching up ahead, so I lett off throttle some, look at speedo, 52-54, not bad I thought. Sherriff does a uturn and comes up behind me. And is following me for a while.
So I am thinking, what was all those things Brian bwringer was talking about in his discussions about how to deal with this situation (was a topic of discussion after BC a couple years ago, for some particular reason har har har).
And what was it my friend told me years ago that was a state trooper then (now retired).
The sherriff keeps following me, so I have some time to think about it and do manage to remember some.
Well, then I saw some color. Not fall color, but Red and Blue. Blue and Red, a twirlling and a flashing. Red and Blue all over the place.
So I hit the turn signal, slow a bit, look for a good place to pull over.
Found a side street (maybe that is what he was waiting for). Pulled into side street far enough with room for him to get off main street and 30-40 feet or so of space between us.
I was going to stay on bike with hand on bars, but I see he was not getting out of car. So I did get off bike, slowley, stepped aside from bike. And stood there with hands in sight. Did slowly raise hand to open flip face helmet, just to be more personable and so could talk better. Did take off gloves, but held them out and dropped them on the seat, and stepped back away from bike again. But did not take off helmet that could be perceived as something I could throw or something. Did not reach for wallet (drivers licence). Stood there for what seemed like a full minute or more, but was probably less. Another sherrif car pulls up, completly blocking off the side street. What? this aint no getto, didnt even think there would be a 2nd sherriff anywhere around. Whats going on? Am starting to get more nervious.
He did get out of car, didnt directly approach me, but went out of his way to go on other side of bike from me. I did notice that when he took his eyes off me to look at bike his hand went closer to his gun.
He asks if I know why he is stopping me.
I say I can quess for speed limit violation, state that I know the limit drops down to 45 back there, and that I usally go slower than that past the gas station or usally is someone turning in or out at gas station, then can accelrate thru the curve, but this time was no traffic and maybe I acclerated too much thru curve, but noticed I was over 50 and was slowing back down cuz I know is 45 there and then 35 further ahead closer into more residentail area.
He says nothing other than "licence, registration, proof of insurance". Ew, not good, I think. I get a bad feeling about that, but determined to keep respectfull.
I say my "licence is in my rear pocket", extend my arm straight out and point back at my rear pocket, and then point at bike and say "registration and proof of insurance is in compartment under seat and that is going to take a little bit to get at."
He says "Licence first. I got you at 58 in a 45.".
Ew, oww, really not good, I think.
I am carefull to move only one hand, get out wallett, and let him see it, then use both hands to open wallet and give him licence. Then he waves away other cop. And goes to car.
Am thinking that he is going to see another ticket I got from about 4-5 years ago, wonder if he will see that it was on the bike, and wonder if that makes it worse.
I take off seat, get out registration and proof of insurance (and they are the current copies, good, I wasnt sure).
Have to decide what to do now. I decide to stand there away from bike. After a while I slowly hold up the papers for him to see. He nodds, and after a while longer then waves for me to bring them to him, so I do. Carefull to stand away from the car, and lean over to hand to him. He says thank you. I just step back a ways further and keep hands where he can see them.
After a while he hands me back my stuff and says something like "you just need to be a little bit more carefull to watch your speed, I have written you a warning. Have a good day."
And backs out and takes off real quick.
He had me at 13 over, he could easliy have issued ticket. Oh, man, that added to previous ticket whould have been points. And those added to wifeys ticket a few years ago -- surcharge on insurance. Shaaa-wheeewww.
So I think the advise (that I could remember) from bwringer and my cop friend was good.
- keep hands out in open.
- stay at vehical.
- let officer keep his distance.
- show respect. But dont over do it, might sound like fake or mocking tone.
- dont make quick movement to reach for something/anything. Announce what you are going to do.
- speak directly to officer (dont mumble or act like trying to hide breath)
- answer question directly. But Give some statement to show are aware of situation, speed limit or whatever, to show that are alert and concerned. But keep to subject and not too many excuses. (but dont really need to make out right confession either.)
- Then shut up and dont annoy him by interupting what he has to do. (He has already decided what to do, anything else you do can only make it worse.)
- stay back and show that you are cooperating and showing respect by keeping hands out and not making quick movements.