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Pulled over. Warning, no tocket. Thanks Brain.

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    The luckiest I ever got was after being pulled over doing about 115 in a 65 in our Z. It was after dark so I never knew there was a LEO anywhere near me until I saw his lights come on. I had already prepared my wife to have to come bail me out of jail. The officer took my license and insurance and went back to his car. About 30 seconds later comes back and tells me to be more careful and leaves with his emergency lights still going. Seems he got a call that was more important than my infraction. Talk about a time I should have been wearing brown pants.



      The first thing I usually give the Cop is my CCW permit, that way he knows...


        I used to unbuckle my seatbelt when driving a car while the cop came to the window so I could get my wallet out of my pocket. I almost got a ticket for not using my seatbelt the last time I did that. Now, I'll just sit there until the cop comes over to me, I don't want them thinking I'm getting a gun or something. I've never been pulled over on my bike, so I guess if and when that happens, I'll probably shut the bike down and wait for him.


          Re.Keeping your hands on display

          Because in US, you are just as likely to get shot by cop, as by bad guy


            Originally posted by PKcb650 View Post
            Because in US, you are just as likely to get shot by cop, as by bad guy
            In New Jersey maybe. Probably Detroit. A few other places.
            The rest of the country it's not likely unless you act like you need it.

            Life is too short to ride an L.


              About keeping hands out in view: My concern is not so much trying to avoid being shot, but more to make it obvious that I am cooperating. And show that I am going out of my way to not cause the cop any concern. So cop has the least need/excuse to exert his authority over me.

              Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
              GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                This is what we are scared of. This is why we act so offensive. Some people weld knife blades under there gas caps. A quick pull and stab and were done. So from one cop to you, thanks for the respect and how you reponded. I'm sure the guy appreciated it. sachsaca


                  Originally posted by tkent02 View Post
                  In New Jersey maybe. Probably Detroit. A few other places.
                  The rest of the country it's not likely unless you act like you need it.
                  Some people DO need it...


                    Back where i grew up, the locals were pretty much told to use discretion if attempting to pull over a motorcycle, and were usually ordered to fall back if the rider took off and fled on any kind of sport bike.
                    Because they had an enormous amount of high speed cycle chases every month, almost always ending in multiple fatalities or the rider getting away from police.
                    Turns out, it was just costing the county too much money to chase them left and right.

                    (my sheriff buddy told me that, and i've heard of other counties doing the same thing....because it simply gets too dangerous....the police dont stand a chance in hell at catching up to a sportbike, and if the police chopper does arrive, so what? There are literally hundreds of winding roads covered with thick trees, and the chopper can't follow,atleast where I used to live.)

                    It's funny, i actually KNOW somebody who ran from the locals back home, i believe he had a CBR 900 or kawasaki. He was crankin 150mph on Rt. 4, and flew RIGHT past a speed-trap with 2 local squad cars. He said he looked in his mirrors and they didn't even move at all,lol.
                    Last edited by Guest; 11-04-2009, 05:22 PM.


                      haha that's really funny. One of my friends who's in a criminal justice class told me just the other day how some counties police have a policy not to chase speeding bikes.

                      Correct me if I am wrong but I'm sure there's still a lot of places that don't have that policy. What I've heard from the idiots that risk their lives running from a ticket is that if you can't get away in 30 seconds you probably won't.


                        getting stopped

                        In Pa. licence, registration, proof of insurance are required and a good idea to have it all handy. I've been stopped a time or two, I go too fast, but due to my job no ticket yet. Still it is a good idea to get the helmet off and stay with the bike. Be patient, be truthfull and show some respect, after all the fellow with the lights on thinks you broke one of HIS rules. Having been the fellow with the lights I know I got a little reflective with the folks I stopped. If they were nice, so was I, but be a butt head and see where that gets ya!

                        Speeding is one thing, we all have done it knowingly or not, and it is almost excusable. Drinking on the other hand is a dumb thing to do before riding on or in anything. The smell of booze was alwyas the trigger to get me fired up. Tickets flew, yes more than one for one driver. I really don't like drunk drivers. Drink at home and all one is are doing is killing their liver. Drink and drive and folks that did not do anything wrong are getting hurt.

                        If you are going to go fast, be ready, someday the ticket will stick. Factor in the cost of a ticket or two and then you'll think about slowing down.

                        Stay Safe,


                          Originally posted by Ponderosa View Post
                          The first thing I usually give the Cop is my CCW permit, that way he knows...

                          Been there. had to sit there patiently waiting to get my paperwork out of my glove box because i had my pistol in there once. Apparently I accelerated too quickly when I left the toll booth. It's not a drag race you know...

                          But anyway, I told him i had a concealed carry permit and a loaded gun in the glove box, but in a holster. he looked at my permit and told me to just take it out and set it in the seat. While he ran my info he asked me to just stand behind my car for him (obviously just for officer safety and I had no issues doing that for him). so no ticket or anything and I think he was more respectful to me than he would have been to a typical 20-something year old accelerating quickly when he found out i had my permit. Must obviously not be too much of a trouble maker if I have that! lol


                            Originally posted by hampshirehog View Post
                            Excuse my ignorance, being a Brit, but why were you so concerned about keeping your hands open and on display? Were you worried that he might think you were going to shoot him?
                            Brit friend of mine once got pulled over in Arizona. When asked for his license he reached for an inside jacket pocket without telling the officer what he was doing. Next thing he knew, he had a revolver sticking out of his ear.

                            Same here on the continent. Get the officer's permission before you take your hands out of his/her sight, and no sudden moves. Same with a weapon in the car/bike. There's no need to mention it up front, but if the officer wants you to go into that compartment, then tell them there is a weapon in there and let them tell you what to do next.


                              Originally posted by officerbill View Post
                              I've been stopped a time or two, I go too fast, but due to my job no ticket yet.

                              You seam like a pretty chilled out cop for the most part.. You say that speeding can be excusable, I would love to hear this.. What are good excuses for speeding? When do you ever let people off speeding tickets and why?

                              I deliver pizzas(i'm only 18yo, don't worry) and I've flown passed cops at least 5-10+mph over and they've never pulled me over. I've never even been pulled over in my car. XD
                              Last edited by Guest; 11-08-2009, 04:00 PM.


                                There's really no excuse for speeding.
                                But at the same time, EVERYBODY speeds at some point.

                                I just can't stand cops that think giving a ticket is somehow going to teach people a lesson!? No offense, but are you nuts!?

                                I know when i was 21, i got my first $60 ticket, i was ****ED, and I actually drove MORE aggressive after the cop left!

                                My neighbor who was a sheriff RARELY ever gave out tickets, he knows the truth....warnings do more good than tickets. Tickets are just going to **** people off, PERIOD.....they WONT learn!
                                (admit it, it's just wishful thinking!)

                                Warnings on the other hand, is a much nicer way of saying "you were caught, we are out watching the roads, be careful"

                                I always drove slower after getting a warning, because you felt like you had a close call.


                                The whole idea that "speed" causes accidents is FALSE too.
                                They've proven this with dozens of studies conducted.
                                (hell, i just saw one this week posted on a news website, another highway INCREASING the speed limit)

                                If speed causes accidents, then the Autobahn and sections of the highway that have "no speed limit" should be the holy grail of auto accidents right?
                                Far from....the accident rates are staggeringly lower then they are here.
                                (they documented this by doing a special on the Autobahn, which was on the History Channel, several years back)

                                They've actually PROVEN, that higher speeds, actually INCREASE efficiency and lowers the total amount of accidents.
                                (although higher speed limit zones result in higher amounts of FATAL crashes, the OVERALL numbers of accidents actually decreases drastically.)

                                The cause of accidents are often cell phones, distractions and drugs/alcohol.....not speed alone.

                                I feel bad that they brainwash police and troopers into thinking that speed causes accidents, when clearly every single study out there has proven otherwise.
                                (over 75% of traffic collisions with vehicles AND motorcycles take place UNDER 35mph.) Some states have different MPH statistics, but ALL of them are under 55mph for sure.

                                So how could speed possibly be a factor?

                                It just all comes down to $$$, just like everything else in this world pretty much!
                                Last edited by Guest; 11-08-2009, 11:38 PM.

