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Beautiful day to ride

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    Beautiful day to ride

    Aside form the odd noise or two the ride in today wonderful. Fall in South Central Pa. is a marvelous time.

    The roads were full of bikes and as I approached Gettysburg I started to feel crowded. A couple of kids on LOUD HDs were making themselves out of themselves and pinging their motors. I shifted around, opened my coat and let the badge glint off their green teeth. Things got quieter fast.

    Other than obnoxious HDs the other thing that troubled me slightly is the autumn sun. The three lined lanes I normal cruise along are a pleasure in the spring and summer, but fall and winter are a different story. Once the leaves leave the trees there is little to no shade and the sunlight stream through unobstructed like a strobe light at a disco. I don’t care how dark your sun glasses are this starts to HURT after a few miles.

    Well, loud HD and flashing blinding sun isn’t enough to truly ruin a great day for a ride. It just causes one to stop and reroute to avoid the things one find offensive. I would still rather be riding than almost anything else. And I didn’t even need something shiny, cheesecake or coffee.

    Not only are there no leaves to obstruct the sun, but the sun is also much lower in the sky which puts it right in your eyes. You just can't get the sun visor low enough in the cage.
    Current Bikes:
    2001 Yamaha FZ1 (bought same one back)

