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Alright so I've got a story for you guys

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    Alright so I've got a story for you guys

    Back when I lived in Baltimore, I had a buddy with a really nice GS1000. Not sure what year it was but it was mint mint mint. We were hanging around one day, and he told me the story of how he got the bike for only 20 bucks...

    He was driving and stopped at what he thought was a yard sale. Turns out there was a bass boat on a trailer, the GS, a couple older cafe racers and smaller bikes, a tractor, and a hemi cuda, all in great shape. They were all on sale for 20 bucks apiece.

    Long story short there is nothing like the wrath of a woman scorned. It was all the source of a bad divorce, I think the wife wasn't getting very much so she liquidated all of her ex-husband's toys for dirt cheap. My buddy ran back for his trailer, and by the time he got back to the house all that was left was the GS, and the rest, as they say, is history.

    I guess it just goes to show you to keep your eyes open.

    Don't want to speak ill of your friend but that one is an urban myth that's been around the block a few times. While I've never experienced a d-i-v-o-r-c-e myself I also doubt a woman scorned or not would not try and get some serious coin out of the toys. Also if they're his toys how would the new owners get a valid title?

    I'm not going to call Troll but........



      I know a guy who did it with an airplane. Not $25 but $25K. The guy sold it so the wife wouldnt get it. It was probably worth $50k
      82 1100 EZ (red)

      "You co-opting words of KV only thickens the scent of your BS. A thief and a putter-on of airs most foul. " JEEPRUSTY


        Originally posted by spyug View Post
        Don't want to speak ill of your friend but that one is an urban myth that's been around the block a few times. While I've never experienced a d-i-v-o-r-c-e myself I also doubt a woman scorned or not would not try and get some serious coin out of the toys. Also if they're his toys how would the new owners get a valid title?

        I'm not going to call Troll but........

        I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it a urban legend...stuff like this does happen, though it may be more a rarity than most people think. A few years ago, a female acquaintance of mine caught her husband in bed with another woman, kicked him out of the house, and proceeded to sell as many of his toys (as far as the titled stuff was concerned, both names on the document from what I understand) as she could for literally pennies on the dollar. For her, it wasn't about making money, it was completely about saying "fvck you, a$$hole" to him. Then she took full custody of their child, and took him to the cleaners in their divorce (granted, her atty. was a frikkin' SHARK, and his would probably have difficulty finding his a$$ with both hands and an assistant--get it? a$$-istant...sorry, couldn't help myself...).

        So, this stuff does actually happen from time to time, rare as it may be, and (personally) I do firmly believe there is some reason behind the whole "a woman scorned" thing.

        All that said, I don't condone ANYTHING she did, I think she behaved like a lousy human being, and she stopped talking to me when I told her isn't right what he did, and definitely not right what she did either.
        Last edited by Guest; 11-20-2009, 12:52 AM. Reason: Reason a3, subsection ;P


          Real stuff....

          I have been through two divorces and can say honestly anything and everything is fair game! My best friend went through a divorce where his wife was awarded his 427 powered T-Bucket that he took two years building. She asked HIM how much it was worth, he told her a few thousand on a good day, she put it up for sale, I bought it from her for three K, then sold it back to him for a slight fee, I used it for a day...

          When she found out the scam, she didn't talk to me for two years, until I sold her MY house under divorce agreement for,,,,,,$1000 and take over payments.... My second wife was ticked, all she got was $500! Then my second wife got her sisters house under much the same conditions...Fate has a way of dumping on you...


            Well I can't attest to every detail but it is true that it is a story. I do know however that he forged a bill of sale, sent it to a friend in Georgia, who titled it in his state and then sent him back a signed title so he could transfer it and ride it in Maryland. Or something like that.

            Anyways it made me chuckle and reavow myself never to get married.


              Or divorced......


                My uncle sold off all his equipment prior to his divorce (he owned a logging company so he had a lot of money invested) so that my Aunt couldn't get her sticky fingers on it. My father ended up with a REALLY nice tig/stick welder for a little bit of work he did for my uncle. And since it's still in the family, my uncle can use it whenever! :-D


                  2 years ago or so there was a brand new lotus on ebay, and it sold for like 8 dollars.. somebodys wife got mad that he cheated and set a low buy it now price or something to that effect.

                  Things like this do happen.. though I have to say your buddy is not the brightest crayon in the box.

                  If you noticed a bunch of big game for sale, and intended to guy buy any of it.. would you not stop at that moment and talk to the owner and hand them cash or at least tell them to hold the item for you - with your drivers license and promise to head over to the bank and back?

                  He ended up with a $1,000 motorcycle, when he could have had an $80,000 car.

                  I personally would have handed them $1,000 and said - I'll take it. (all)

                  Sell everything off, put a down payment on a rental property, make $1,300 a month for the rest of my life on something I paid $1,000 for initially.

                  This could have been a much better story had the guy only stopped and asked one simple question.. "How much."


                    I'm sure there are those rare occasions when this kinda stuff happens, unfortunately I've never seen or benefited from anything like that...

                    There are real-life deals out there if you know how to find them. I worked in an affluent town's landfill one summer when I was 16 years old, I've kept in touch with many of the guys I worked with there over the years. This place has a community exchange area where residents can bring things that are still pretty good but they don't want anymore. Anyone is free to take whatever they want from this exchange, as long as they're not planning to resell it.

                    Every so often I'll hear from one of the guys when one of the "more money than brains" residents drops off a two year old John Deere lawn tractor or nearly-new furniture. Over the years I've gotten cherry bedroom sets, nice maple dining tables with perfect chairs, sofas and love seats, etc. My house is filled with this kind of stuff and I didn't have to pay one cent for any of it!! Don't think for a minute that I live in junk, everything is nearly perfect.

                    I've never heard of somebody dropping off a used Ferrari or Rolex watch, I honestly can't believe anyone would be that spiteful or stupid enough to give something that valuable away!


                      I worked at a landfill in Maine for a while that takes construction waste and one of the deliveries they got often was dumpsters from Lowes and Home Depots. At times they would decide it is cheaper to right off units that dont sell and toss them in the dumpster than to keep the inventory. Unforunately its not labeled as such... but sometimes they have picked soem nice stuff out. One day everyone with a truck drove hom with a brand new steel front door with glass and casings. Another day the poor D6 operator ran over a crate with a brand new lawn tactor in it... once it was hit was not worth anything but would have been a great find prior to running it over.

                      As far as the original story any women in that case would preffer to take it all in court or half the money of it all than give it away.


                        Speaking of Lowes.... a guy I know bought an automatic screw gun from Lowes. He hung 50 sheets of drywall then returned it and told them it didn't work right. I bought it the next day on the "as is" rack for $20. I saved about $140.00. Still have it and it still works great.

