1) I managed to straighnten out the left run signal braket. It was bent down. It was a small challenge, but it looks good now. It wasn't a big deal, but things that look unsymetrical annoy me to death. Especially when the bike looks so good.
2) Did a lot of riding in the neigborhood(about 40 miles), and even ventured out in to traffic a little today. Still in one pice, so I can't complain.
1) The centerstand is kicking my butt! I lost control of the bike, and dropped it over on it's right side. I was unhappy for a moment until I saw the gas spilling out, so not being abel to feel sorry very long looking at my pile of sadness, I muscled it back up two on wheels(in a hurry, and I suppose that could be good point #3). No damage was done to the bike(it dropped on the carpet, and I held on to it as long as I could). Maybe that is good point #4. Now I understand why its good not to buy a new bike as a 1st bike. That would have really sucked with a new bike. It was bad enohg with this one.
2) The battery is toast. I played around with it a little today, and bought a small charger. It charged up failry quick but lossed it's charge in only a coupel of hrs. Off to Sams' for the 22$ champion this weekend.
All in all, I'm having fun, but I've got to figure the centerstand out. I tried the advice I cound on the forum, but the results wern't good. Is the kick stand supposed to be Up, or Down when lowering the center stand? I tried it both ways. When it's down, the centerstand sort of seems to catch on something just as the weight of the bike is shifting up.
This is a great baord with lots of great info. It looks as if I lucked up on a good bike for not a lot of $$$.