[I got some engineering advice, and found I needed to do relatively little to get my modified bike registered on the road]
After the info, I figured a testride would be in order to make a semi-final check of things I need to do before rego. With my trusty pocketbook carrying my leaving area, time of departure, milage and destination (in event of the police) I ran down to the local servo. Wobbly as hell, I figured very low tyre pressure.
I was right. The pressure in each tyre was very low so I jacked it up to 32psi front and 36psi rear. Whacked a few gallons of premium in her and off we went. Saw a parked police car coming out of the servo (ahhh!), but it was empty. I turned onto a straight backroad for home and let it rip in second. Almost fell off the back of the bike! JEEEESUS! Worked it through until fourth and then settled down into third. Took a few corners well and rode up the hill home, very much chuffed with myself.
Taking inventory now, the front brakes need attention and the gear position indicator doesn't work. The headlights need rewiring, but thats about it for the problems. Even the fuel gauge works! I'll need a dedicated fang to work out if the jetting is correct, but it felt pretty good to me just then so it'll stay as is for now. Well, enough talk, heres some pics:

Cheers guys - boingk