Fortunately it didn't happen while riding.
My buddies and I planned a longer 100-200 mile ride today.

Enjoyed breakfast, had a nice route picked out, gonna hit the Delaware River.

Not everything went as planned.
Barry (GW) picked up a nail in his back tire somewhere along the way, so we stopped at a guy's house along the road. The guy had four HD's in his stable (plus a Stingray) and an air compressor. He noted that it's always good to ride with an HD because they carry tools because their bikes need fixing

So Rusty (HD) patches Barry's tire with some tire patch goo, we pump up with the local guy's compressor, and hit the road.
About five miles later, Barry has no air in his back tire, and this time we're at the side of the road.
Fortunately Rusty also has a bicycle pump, and a different kind of tire patch goo.

We hand-pumped it up to 27 pounds, and then were able to ride slow to a gas station and pump it up to 45 again.
Next station we topped it off and this happened.

I was in the gas station when it happened, but Rusty, who is deaf, heard the pop.
Thank goodness it happened at the station.
And thank goodness for AAA.