When I was about 18 or 19 years old, which was about 17 or 18 years ago, I used to ride home late at night from my buddies house. On my way home I would always get stuck at a certain red light (you know what I mean). This particular night I waited a few seconds as ususal, then rolled on through. Seeing as I was the only one on the road what could it hurt. Of course there was someone else on the road, a Police Officer. He pulled me over and asked " Did you see that red light?" After telling him my story he said "Is there any reason you cant get off your bike and press the walk button for the crosswalk?" I said no, he was pretty nice and let me off with a warning. NO JOKE, the next night I'm at that same T intersection. I get off my bike to push the "walk" button, turn around, and there is a Police Officer with his lights on behind my bike. He says, "Is there a reason you abandoned your motorcycle on the road?" 8O . I of course shared my story from the night before. He also was pretty cool, let me go with a warning. His suggestion was to turn right at the intersection then left or make a u-turn at the next green light (which was less than a block away). What did I learn?? Honestly it was to take a different way home, but I also learned that there's more than one way to do something. I also learned that the Police are nice, if not confused guys.
No announcement yet.
Yes Officer
Yes Officer
Let me say ahead of time, this is a completely true story with nothing added. This is also the first adult lesson I think I ever learned.
When I was about 18 or 19 years old, which was about 17 or 18 years ago, I used to ride home late at night from my buddies house. On my way home I would always get stuck at a certain red light (you know what I mean). This particular night I waited a few seconds as ususal, then rolled on through. Seeing as I was the only one on the road what could it hurt. Of course there was someone else on the road, a Police Officer. He pulled me over and asked " Did you see that red light?" After telling him my story he said "Is there any reason you cant get off your bike and press the walk button for the crosswalk?" I said no, he was pretty nice and let me off with a warning. NO JOKE, the next night I'm at that same T intersection. I get off my bike to push the "walk" button, turn around, and there is a Police Officer with his lights on behind my bike. He says, "Is there a reason you abandoned your motorcycle on the road?" 8O . I of course shared my story from the night before. He also was pretty cool, let me go with a warning. His suggestion was to turn right at the intersection then left or make a u-turn at the next green light (which was less than a block away). What did I learn?? Honestly it was to take a different way home, but I also learned that there's more than one way to do something. I also learned that the Police are nice, if not confused guys.Tags: None
Was it the same cop both times or different cops?
if it was the same cop hmmmm. :?
Different cop, Well how much did the one cop bet the other cop, He could make you get off the bike?
Just kidding.
But really on a serious side,If you are polite,nice,respectful,most of the time they will let you go with a warning.If the infraction is a minor one
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- Toronto, Canada
Re: Question
Originally posted by TwinstrokeWas it the same cop both times or different cops?
if it was the same cop hmmmm. :?
Different cop, Well how much did the one cop bet the other cop, He could make you get off the bike?
Just kidding.
But really on a serious side,If you are polite,nice,respectful,most of the time they will let you go with a warning.If the infraction is a minor one
That was my first thought, too!
Surprisingly, I have not had any tickets while riding a bike.....ever.
When I bought my Moto Guzzi, I got stopped periodically, but not because of doing anything wrong....the officers wanted to look at the bike.
At that time, Guzzis were quite unusual, and mine was fully dressed, so it stood out.
I got stopped a couple of years ago, while on my Honda. I had to stop because we were on a multi-lane highway and a van was blowing past me at the time the officer walked out onto the road and pulled over the van. I was in the right lane, and he said, as he walked by me:
" I got him and I got you, too. But not you today."A take-away:
I would bet dollars to "donuts"that these fine police officers were having some fun with you. My brother is a cop and some of the stories he has told me of them having some harmless fun sound right up the same alley as yours. Hey, no harm done, right?
On a serious note, if this happens to anyone else, start complaining to the Public Works department that their sensors aren't working properly. Motorcycles have the same rights to the road as cars.
The sensors I've dealt with are embedded in the road. We have the same rights as the cages, but I just ain't got enough weight to make 'em work, or something... :?
Originally posted by JecklerIt's not weight. It's inductance.
Hey MGH;
Great story.
Think about this though...In the final analysis...when all things are considered and tallied....
It would've been quicker just to wait for the light..
Ride Tall
Surpisingly enough...I've never had a speeding ticket yet....
Stopped a lot...but being a girl...I'd take off my helmet; shake out my long brown hair..and they were stunned...
Almost got in big trouble with a Florida State Trooper in the '80's. Clocked me at 120mph. HE said. (Know I was doing at least 127....)
He screamed & yelled about taking his own life into his hands to catch me.
After I took off the helmet and let down my hair; I told him I was trying to
eh,"blow out the carbon, I think it's called,...Sir.". He gave me a :roll: stern lecture about blowiing out the carbon in a lower gear. I thanked him and went on my way...
Oh, yeah...There was that ONE ticket for an IMPROPER START; one year at Daytona. I was at the famous dragracers hangout...The Cabbage Patch Bar....It was in the early 80's...
pmint 8)
OK Guys;
Take pleanty of notes from Peppermint.
Now this is a lady who knows how to WORK the system.
(Note to me.....get 1 long blonde hair wig.)
Sorry guys, but we do use the system to our advantage. I have gotten stopped on numerous occasions (never on the bike) and have only received one ticket.Meanwhile, my brothers have not only gotten stopped, ticketed, but have also had their car searched! Of course if I had pulled my brother over back then (late '70's) I would of searched him too. He was scary looking! 8O They used to get so *@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$ed when I got out of a ticket.
Originally posted by SebbyOK Guys;
Take pleanty of notes from Peppermint.
Now this is a lady who knows how to WORK the system.
(Note to me.....get 1 long blonde hair wig.)Keith
1980 GS1000S, blue and white
2015Triumph Trophy SE
Ever notice you never see a motorcycle parked in front of a psychiatrist office?
You know, it's often funny how timing of events can cause you to burst out in laughter at the most inopportune moments. I say this because just last night I was reading this post and was quite entertained. So, what happens? I left work yesterday morning (work midnight to eight), and myself and another rider were being threatened by thunderstorms. We could see them coming in from the south and of course our thoughts were "gotta beat the storm". We are both Correctional Officers and were in uniform (under the leathers). I decided to follow my fellow officer as he made his way north.
Of course with the storm coming up behind us, we were breaking the speed limit. Honestly, I was not paying attention to my speed; I was just paying attention to the other officer and the traffic. I knew that we were going pretty fast, but like I said, we were trying to get home. Evidently, at some point in time during our travels, we passed an undercover Delaware State Trooper Captain on his way to his troop. Oops!
Suddenly, I have the "idiot" all over my rear end (he had no lights on his car) and I slide over to the slow lane. He comes up beside me and gives the ole pull over sign and moves up to my partner. I look down and see my speedometer dropping from 90 to 89, and gave an "uh oh, I'm in for it". We pulled over, he jumped out of his car, and I'm thinking, "We're screwed". He started yelling about license, registration, insurance, and realized who we were. The side of the road butt chewing must have looked quite comical to the passers by. I felt like I was in the military again, and I may have even stood at attention as he chewed us up one side and down the other. We heard it all. He had called us in and other units were looking for us, he did not want to scrape us up, etc... Luckily, he did not ticket us, but did inform us that he was a rider also and to slow it down. Rain or no rain, slow down was made quite clear. The ride the rest of the way was 55 to 60. Good thing too, he did have buddies converging on us, because we saw 3 more Troopers within the next couple of miles. I had to laugh about it because I had been reading this just a few hours prior. There are cool ones out there; sometimes you're just lucky enough to find them.
So true. Being nice to the police can NEVER hurt. :roll: And there ARE nice ones.
But, I suppose being a correctional officer didn't hurt either !!!!!
(I was a correctional officer for about one year at the Joliet Correctional
Center, in Joliet, IL. This facility was so crooked, I had to get out. Found out the warden was letting people get BOUGHT OUT of jail. I'm positive it's true, because my best friend bought her guy out for $5,000.00...when I was working!!! When I did a cell check one time, and found 3 guys with no cells assigned; AND the warden wasn't even surprised....... 8O I KNEW IT WAS TIME TO LEAVE...) 8O
pmint 8)