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Pulled over for???
Originally posted by Detroit Diesel Man View Post
Originally posted by bonanzadave View PostIve been pulled over twice by MNs finest for too dark a window tint in my car. ????
When I pointed out that the vehicle was safetied with the tinted windows, he said that the shop that did the safety inspection should be held responsible for passing an unsafe vehicle.
When I also pointed out that the tint was stock from factory, he did a walk around of my truck looking for anything else he could get me on. When he found nothing, he tried to feed me a line about fining me for having an unsafe amount of snow build-up of the top of the rear bumper that could cause a traffic accident if it came off on the highway.
Yeah, right. The 2" of snow that had accumulated since the morning when I completely brushed off my truck could cause an accident, but the idiots driving around in minivans with foot tall frozen mohawks on their vehicles because they are too lazy to clean off the center of the roof are perfectly safe?
I told him if he decided to write the ticket, I would be fighting it, and I would make sure I would be compensated for the time I had to take off of work to go to court. He was not happy. Not at all.
End result, no ticket.
I support our law enforcement professionals, and admire them for doing a thankless job. Yet, when the less than admirable ones try and pull crap like that, I just want to tell them they are besmirching the uniform and what it stands for, but I am pretty sure that would get me a ticket.
That reminds me, i need to look up the surrounding states i ride in to see if there are any odd laws like that.1979 GS850G
2004 SV650N track bike
2005 TT-R125 pit bike
LRRS #246 / Northeast Cycles / Woodcraft / Armour Bodies / Hindle Exhaust / Central Mass Powersport
I never heard of laws requiring eye protection or even considered that there were such laws considering how much resistance there has been over the years to helmet laws.
The only time when my sheild is up is at low speeds (10 mph) when its real hot or when the sheild is fogging up. I would think that he just wanted to get a closer look at you, the bike or had a (maybe anal ?) moment which he felt he needed to educate the public. I've seen a few idiot, unsafe riders with ATGATT, which seems to be more of a uniform than saftey equipment. Don't be to hard on him. He may have thought you to be one of those idiots and was quickly re-informed.
83 GS1100g
2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050
Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren
I've been ticketed for every possible driving/riding offense there is. Even speeding in a Volkswagen Vanagon. I've been pulled over for the visor thing and ticketed. However, I've never received drug or alcohol related tickets which is a good thing. On my recent 5400 mile ride through 9 states I was ticket free. The county just south of where I live seems to have me honed in by satellite.GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES
Im Faster
okay as a officer ill speak up..
it doesn't matter how much you dont break the law.. you were riding with out eye protection he had the a good reason to stop you..
if you pulled out of the gas station and did 110 in a 55 is that ok cause you were only doing it for a few seconds?
the officer was doing a probable cause stop. just making sure you were all legal and didn't have any warrants..
im sure if he would have saw someone else doing it he would pull them over just the same.
you cant get upset for getting a warning for breaking a law you were clearly aware of..
its not a big deal it was only a warning.. just brush it off and thank him for being out there doing his job and being proactive and trying to find criminal.
Originally posted by Im Faster View Postokay as a officer ill speak up..
it doesn't matter how much you dont break the law.. you were riding with out eye protection he had the a good reason to stop you..
if you pulled out of the gas station and did 110 in a 55 is that ok cause you were only doing it for a few seconds?
the officer was doing a probable cause stop. just making sure you were all legal and didn't have any warrants..
im sure if he would have saw someone else doing it he would pull them over just the same.
you cant get upset for getting a warning for breaking a law you were clearly aware of..
its not a big deal it was only a warning.. just brush it off and thank him for being out there doing his job and being proactive and trying to find criminal.
I would like to add that other people getting away with breaking laws does not mean you will...even the petty, mundane laws.
Lastly, you need to keep in mind that a large portion of recovered stolen vehicles are recovered during probable cause stops. They forgot to use a blinker or they were driving 3mph over the speed limit or they may have pulled out of the gas station with their visor up. If your bike had been stolen and the same officer recovered it after stopping the culprit for changing lanes in the middle of a protect right turn you would be like "hey you're awesome."
He had a TECHNICAL reason to stop him, from the sound of it. If he gets down the block with his face shield up, thats a lot different from 'just pulling out' and getting pulled over before you're half way through first gear. In my experience many cyclists pull out with the shield up, and for VERY GOOD REASON. What's more unsafe, pulling out with a fogged shield and/or sweat in your eyes, or pulling out with your shield up? Honestly, we don't know these details here we're just assuming them.
It really does sound like the officer was 'just checking' - for what you never know. I've had it happen to me too - you get home and that tail light works just fine thank you very much - but I don't see any point in getting mad about it, maybe they were looking for someone, or some thing, in particular a vehicle closely matching mine - you never know."Men will never be free until Mark learns to do The Twist."
-Denis D'shaker
79 GS750N
Originally posted by Allie View PostHe had a TECHNICAL reason to stop him, from the sound of it. If he gets down the block with his face shield up, thats a lot different from 'just pulling out' and getting pulled over before you're half way through first gear. In my experience many cyclists pull out with the shield up, and for VERY GOOD REASON. What's more unsafe, pulling out with a fogged shield and/or sweat in your eyes, or pulling out with your shield up? Honestly, we don't know these details here we're just assuming them.
It really does sound like the officer was 'just checking' - for what you never know. I've had it happen to me too - you get home and that tail light works just fine thank you very much - but I don't see any point in getting mad about it, maybe they were looking for someone, or some thing, in particular a vehicle closely matching mine - you never know.
I have been pulled over for nothing before, didnt even tell me why... but it was 12:30am in front of a college so he was obviously checking if I had been drinking. Once he saw the car seat in the back and a fresh gallon of milk in the seat next to me he just let me on my way.
A lot of times we get pulled over for the simple reasons just because. Worst ticket I got was not stopping on a left turn from a one way road to another one way road. The stop sign was in the middle island and I was on the left of it, also the road I turned to had a new lane created where I turned so there was no way a car could be in that lane. Anyways I didnt see the officer and he pulled me over infront of a homeless shelter. The entire back of the car was filled with bread, about 5 30 gallon clear bags. I explained I didnt know the area or see the sign and was just trying to find the shelter as it was my first time delivering bread to them. He wrote me up for a $100 ticket... I fought it and they reduced it to $10 but still gave me points on my license and a huge fee on insurance. The worst part was I was so turned off by the event I stopped delivering bread to that shelter and took it to another town. Have not gone back to Waltham since...
The blind eye of Justice
Originally posted by Im Faster View Postokay as a officer ill speak up..
it doesn't matter how much you dont break the law.. you were riding with out eye protection he had the a good reason to stop you..
if you pulled out of the gas station and did 110 in a 55 is that ok cause you were only doing it for a few seconds?
the officer was doing a probable cause stop. just making sure you were all legal and didn't have any warrants..
im sure if he would have saw someone else doing it he would pull them over just the same.
you cant get upset for getting a warning for breaking a law you were clearly aware of..
its not a big deal it was only a warning.. just brush it off and thank him for being out there doing his job and being proactive and trying to find criminal.
Thank you for the voice of the other side.
83 GS1100g
2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050
Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren
I agree with being pulled over for not having eye protection. Helmet laws exist primarily to protect the rider from themselves. By contrast, eye protection has a direct impact on others on the road because even a small bug can take 100% of your focus away if it hits you right.