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Motorcycle stolen and wrecked
When my first '82 1100EZ was stolen I lost everything, just prior to it being stolen I had reduced the insurance to liability only because I was fresh out of the military and was barely making ends meet. Really sucks!
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759
i guess i'm glad i got a worthless "jap bike"
my insurance company let me set a value, for the GS, i figured 1500, when i have the venture, 3500 and now that i have the v-strom 5500. those numbers are higher, but it's because if i am getting a new to me bike, i'm putting all the basics on the list of "damage" i need replaced.
in the case of the strom, i also figure i'll be able to not only replace my farkles, but get a few new ones!