Considering I am currently based in the 'lovely' town of Newark NJ, green mountains and rivers are a very welcome sight.
Another shot of the fantastic road. (with my shiny new inverted club mans that are awesome)

From this point I wandered my way across the state, Down into PA. And arrived back home some 5 hours later and 400 miles later. Not bad for an afternoon testing ride

That evening I went out to visit a friend. On the way back from her house I went down. I was about 2 miles from my destination, thought I had enough gas to make it. I did not. Bike sputtered and died. No worries. I have a reserve. Pulled onto the shoulder of the road. Switched it, started right back up and continued on my way. I got to about 30 mph, and did a head check to see if it was clear to leave the shoulder. Next thing I know, I'm flying off the handlebars. I remember landing on my left shoulder and face. I could see sparks flying as the bike skidded next to me. I stopped sliding and immediately jumped back to my feet. I was out of traffic in the shoulder when I went down so I was already lucky. I was able to walk around fine. Like always I was wearing all my gear, armored jacket, helmet, gloves, boots. This definably helped ALOT. As you can see I slid on my face pretty good.

My helmet did it's job and kept me safe. The road ripped through my jeans at the knees and scraped them up, but not bad.
The bike was in sorry shape though.

Stator cover was smashed up pretty good.

Speedo was completly wrecked. And my new shiny handlebars were bent

What happened was there was a piece of debris in the shoulder. I didn't see it when I did my headcheck and it took me out.
The next day I hopped on here to try and source out some parts. A local member from Princeton is parting out an '81 850G so I contacted him and was able to get everything I need to get my bike back up to running shape. And for a killer deal too. Here's some free advertising Tom.

Needless to say it was one heck of a weekend for me. I must have someone watching out for me. I'm very thankful the damage to me, and the bike, was not permanent and easily fixed. I plan on putting the bike back together tomorrow night, and as soon as I replace my helmet be back on the road enjoying life as much as I can.
It was my first and only crash, and I'd like to keep it that way. But it's not gonna stop me from doing what I love to do.
Thanks for reading guys.
Keep the shiny side up.