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Help me to rebuild my bike (Sad story)....

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    Help me to rebuild my bike (Sad story)....

    - 6 months ago, a neigbour proposed me to restore my GS1000G for cheap. The job should have been done quickly. However, he did not want to give the bike back. I then had to declare that to police.
    - Yesterday I have been allowed to take my bike back, but she is in part and pieces, missing tank, side panels, rear cowling and perhaps other pieces.
    - I have now to put everything back together and find missing parts (mainly tank). The engine is in the frame, the shaft is in place as well as the wheels.
    - Where should I begin: wiring loom, gear selector, speedo???
    I think you help me to start this new project (I am not a mechanic).

    So sorry to hear this! Well, it's time to start over again. First things first- if you havent yet, check the frame and motor V.I.N. numbers to make sure you got back YOUR bike- be a shame if he did a switch on you. If not... well, first thing to get is the best Suzuki shop manual you can afford, you are about to become a GS Mechanic I think. Let us know what you do next, plenty of help in here! -Joe in Boise


      Yes this is really my bike and my engine, The numbers are clear. I have a manual but does not explain what should go first..


        Well, I would think the place to start would be the wiring. If you have a motorcycle salvage nearby you could go look at Suzuki's, not having taken the bike apart- you need to find out which parts go where. Not an easy task for a beginner, but if you are determined you can make it happen. Check out all the other categories of this forum for tips and tricks (and advice). Also be sure to check out Jarmo's Suzuki pages at ...he has a forum as well, I believe. But for now, start with the wiring, using other bikes as examples for missing nuts and bolts you might need, you'll want to get some basic tools- they should be listed in your manual, include a soldering iron as well, to repair any broken or worn wiring or connectors. Also get to know any mechanics you should talk to at the salvage yard or at the dealer, some may have time to give advice, or better yet... to help! Anyway, keep after it! -Joe in Boise


          OK, lets begin with the wiring loom. Where does that go? Especially in front: head, fork, headlight. Perhaps photos would help. Can you upload photos on this forum? :?
          Thank you.


            Oliver - before you jump into this project, I strongly suggest that you find and purchase some sort of manual (either a Suzuki shop manual or a Clymer or Haynes ...) it will be money well spent. I consider myself mechanically inclined and have found that there is no substitute for good, reliable, at-your-fingertips information. I have been through both of my 1000g's, from the frame up (as have many other forum members) and am more than willing to help. Where are you located?? What year model is your 1000?? 8)


              Oliver, another great reference to check out is

              They have on-line exploded parts diagrams that should help you identify parts and in some cases will show you how and where they are mounted.


                thank you for your support. I have a technical manual (in French) and I live in Belgium.
                My Suzuki is a GS1000G from 1979, so shaft drive. The shaft is in place, I do not know about the oil yet.


                  Hey, we learn by doing. And then, we ride! -Joe


                    Hy, Now my wiring loom is in place in the body, so many connectors and wires still to plug, and the color do not match the book...


                      How goes the build, Oliver? I hope it's starting to make sense for you (and we want pictures when you're done!) Have you been able to locate a motorcycle junkyard in your area? -Joe in Boise


                        It is going slow, I do not have much time, I have to say. How do you upload photos on this forum?


                          I'm not sure how to do that, you should be able to do it by adding a link to the picture (the picture being on a website). Then use the "Img" button I would think. Try the other links on the Homepage of this site, there should be one for support (One would hope) Anyway- good luck -Joe in Boise


                            So how's the project coming on? made any progress? please keep us updated, maybe we can help if you can't figure it out.


                              Olivier, re photos.

                              They can only be seen if they are posted somehwere on the web.

                              If you have a digital camera you can upload photos to a website, and then
                              give the site reference, either by simply showing the reference itself, and letting everyone go to the site, or enclosing it in a click-through format.

                              You get that by using the URL button at the top of the page, then typing, or copying and pasting, the full web address, and then clicking beneath URL, where it says Close Tags, in blue. That will give you the click-through, either to the site, or directly to the photo.

                              Alternatively, you can click on IMG, then type, or copy-paste the web address and again click IMG. That should put the photo into your message on the forum page. Note that I said "should". The IMG action works for most people, but there seems to be a problem with my browser, as it does not work for me, although the site-referral does.

                              If you do not have a website to which you can post, you can try the GSR members site.

                              Jay Branscome, (JayB) will surely welcome you aboard.

                              Don't worry if the wiring colours do not exactly match the book....different harnesses can be used, and as long as you have enough wires available, the necessary connections can be made.

                              If you don't already have one, then get a multimeter/ volt-ohmmeter.
                              A battery-powered test lamp will tell you if the circuit works, but the meter will also show you the quality of each electrical contact, in terms of resistance (ohms). Buy a decent quality one, preferably digital, as it will give a better definition on the display panel than the sweep hand type.
                              A take-away:
                              IF YOU TAKE AWAY S FROM SIX YOU HAVE NINE

