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Deer in WI, They dont bounce.

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    Deer in WI, They dont bounce.

    Last yr on a wet evening, I was slowing my 1982 GS750 EZ for a stop sign on a back road. I was down to about 15 to 20mph, 3 deer had just crossed the road. I was watching them to make shure they wouldnt turn around. What I faild to notice was the fourth deer, It hit my right shoulder I was hard on the brake already so it popped the bike out from under me. The stator side of the case broke spewing oil, I was actually up and running tword the bike whle it was still sliding! At this point the only other thing that had broken was the rear right signal, then it touched dirt, the handle bars dug intothe soft sod and flipped theother way with such force the headlight and gauge pod broke. This is the only time I know of that having a helmit on was a bad thing, I couldnt see to my right.
    I took it out for the first time since the crash last night, I welded the case,put on some missmatched signals , put duct tape over most of the gauges, and ducttaped in a headlight. It isnt pretty but it rides well!
    the lesson I learned was , always look both ways before crossing a crossing!
    anyone have an x-tra gauge pod for cheep?

    I think the biggest deer that ran in front of us on a cross country ride were near superior Wisconsin /western Michigan.

    Big deer.

    My brother in law had hit a smaller one a couple days earlier near the Idaho Montana border, but managed not to crash.

    If you can't see out of your helmet you might consider a different one. They are worth wearing.
    Last edited by 850 Combat; 03-20-2011, 12:46 PM.
    sigpic Too old, too many bikes, too many cars, too many things


      Good that you story doesnt include describing your injurys.

      Deer dont bounce in WI.
      I supose if I hit one on my bike that it would not bounce much.

      I saw one bounce off the hood my my pickup truck in in west Michigan.
      Although Was somewhat similar to your situation in that I saw one deer run acrost road right in front of me, I was starting to brake, but I was watching that one deer continue on the other side --- and --- <<whomp flump bumpa bumpa>> another one bouncing off my hood.
      ANd somehow I also ran it over, or maybe it was an other one, anyway, somehow something knocked all the shift linkage apart.

      After that I had several people tell me to not watch where the deer is going, but to watch were it came from, there is likley to be more. ANd in the 20 years since then, I have done that, and it has been true a few times saving me at least once, maybe twice.

      About your helmet blocking your view: what do you have? One of the first original bell full face helmets from the 1960? .. Or do you have a helmet that is 3 sizes too big?


      Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
      GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


        Sometimes they jump...

        Some biker dude has been telling all his buds about the deer that jumped over him at Sturgis. He didn't know it got on video. I hope he hasn't embellished th...
        82 1100 EZ (red)

        "You co-opting words of KV only thickens the scent of your BS. A thief and a putter-on of airs most foul. " JEEPRUSTY

