The cop from the school lot pulled behind me, flashed his lights, blipped his siren... We were on a narrow two-lane so I pointed to a nearby intersection and turned into it and stopped. Turned bike off, left helmet on, left hands on the handgrips, and rehearsed what I was going to say.
Officer addressed me while still behind me -- I had to turn pretty hard over my left shoulder to speak. He introduced himself and mentioned the school zone. I asked if I could get off the bike. He suggested we both pull our vehicles forward so he could be off the narrow two-lane.
Scooted bike forward, got off, took helmet and sunglasses off and stood there until he came back. I told him I was getting my license out of my pants pocket, and I told him I was getting my insurance and registration out of my jacket pocket.
He asked me about the school zone and the lights -- I was clearly in the wrong... The school zone is immediately after an uphill stopsign, and there were no vehicles in front of me... I just let the bike do the driving and by the time I thought about the school zone I was half way through it.
Officer asked if I promised to pay attention to the school zones and not speed, and I got off with a warning
