Heading into bennington VT to get inspected today... and there's fresh blacktop.. today was really... really hot...

In front of me is a white pickup with a trailer towing an 80s honda dirtbike and a trials bike..
I was going about 50-55 with 120-150+ft of distance between me and the truck. The truck was following the car in front of him a little closely and I was aware of that... what I wasn't aware of was the car slammed on the brakes (couldn't see the tail lights)... and this is a 55mph main road with hardly any turns off of it... well all of a sudden the trucks brake lights go on and the truck is screeching to a stop, the car stopped quick I guess... so I jump on the brakes and downshift and I can't slow fast enough- I'm sliding on the gooey fresh blacktop in 100 degree midday sun, my rear tire locks up and is screeching, coming out to the side- fishtailing trying to keep it straight with handlebars counter turned and I see that trailer coming up awful fast so I'm ready to get mangled just thinkin "alright here we go- its gonna hurt!".. and I am planning that if the bike catapaults- trying to land in the empty bed of the truck, best case scenario... anything else is going to tear me apart.. about 12ft from the trailer I see the brakelights turn off and *BAM*
My front tire slammed the trailer and made the loudest BANG.. but I kept it up, never even put a foot down- and kept going!! They must have saw/heard me screeching and floored it- the impact actually straightened the bike out, or something- I can't explain how it happened and I kept it upright and both feet on!
The driver and passenger were hootin and hollering and clapping out the window- I gave them a thumbs up and we kept going!
I just looked up and said "thanks guy!"
I was sooo psyched. Am sooo psyched.
I guess I never included the "brake check slide factor" in with my "safe driving distance" to the vehicle in front of me.
So that's two! (I got rearended by a taxi at a red light in NYC and kept it up- he pushed me about 20ft into intersection from dead stop at red light- he thought the light changed!)
Btw: bike passed inspection
