I arrived in London around 6:00 am with a back pack on and dead tired from a relitively smooth series of flights lasting 17hours. My daughter gave me instructions to take the "Heathrow Connection" to Paddington Station where she would meet me at a reasonable hour for breakfast at a cafe called "Sloe". As fate would have it, me armed with all my computer print outs from home can't seem to find these instructions as to which train or where exactly this cafe is. I go to the counter of the train service at the air port and ask for a ticket. He askes first class? I say yes,desperate.... but I'm really don't care how I get I just want get there and now! 28 pounds later ( holy Cr#p!) I follow someone who said he was also going to Paddington station.
I get to Paddington,an interesting place but no pictures as they are buried in the backpack and I'm semi conscious, like walking dead. Now I'm thinking this cafe is outside and I do remember it has an escalator leading down to the cafe, so I walk around, outside Paddington station, in the rain looking for this place. I did this for about what seemed like 3 hours (really 1 1/2hrs) and now I'm dieing. Finally I ask I younger girl who seems to be some kind of door person for some business where "Sloe Cafe" is. "Inside Paddington Station" she says "and upstairs." I'm feeling alot of things about now, none of which are good..
In the cafe I order some food from a patient Canadian who is working on his masters in London and works as a waiter in the Sloe Cafe. Five minutes later in pops my daughter. After breakfast I insist that she guide me to her place as one would drag a sleepy 4 year old home from grandma's house. Sleep.................

My daughter, her spouse and I in a pub in London having my first brew, the day I arrived.

A little path on the edge of some no name park.
I rested up alittle and on Friday ( I arrived on Thursday) we (the 3 of us) headed to Cornwall, via train, to visit with the daughters Mother-in-law and see the wonders of South West England, until monday afternoon when I fly to Glasglow. I had hoped to meet Agemax on this stage of the journey, but at this point I was a the mercy of other for transport and it didn't happen. One of my regrets....

Fowey, Cornwall

More of the Fowey habor

Looking south towar St. Austel ( they brew beer there)

And the sun came out! Well kind of.... More another day.