So I took the 750 out to the local Suzuki shop on saturday.
Great day to ride, so why not?
I pull up to the parking area like normal, and see 3 bikes parked.
I see a nice open spot between them and pull in.
I'm parked on the pavement section where ALL bikes should be.
But directly in front of me is a cruiser bike parked on the brick-layered walkway, which connects the Honda dealership and Suzuki dealership.
I'm sort of blocking the cruiser a little bit, since there are other bikes on both sides of me as well.
But I think nothing of it, since this is where the dealers ALWAYS put their demo-bikes out for display....up on the brick walk-way.
Well I'm walking around in the store, and I suddenly hear a piece of **** harley fire up.....and think nothing of it.
I walk out of the store maybe 5 minutes later and All of the bikes are gone, except for mine...and someone ****ing MOVED my bike like 15ft BACK into the parking lot was a direct insult!
Then it hit me....that "cruiser" I saw parked up on the walkway, was an idiot customer that thought his HD was special and could park there!
So HE was the prick that moved my bike.
The thing that ****es me off, is that he HAD room to wiggle around me!
He could have just walked in store and ASKED me to move it!
I almost went into the store to complain to the manager, but I wanted to hurry up and see if I could catch a stoplight with this clown so we could have a "chat".