I was off to the Suzuki store as they were the only ones within 30 mile radius that had 4 of the NGK Iridium spark plugs that I wanted for the GSX. (DR9IEX. Stock #4772)
Cruising along at about 70-75 in the fast lane, Goldy just quit running!

Even KNOWING that the fuel tank was full, I instinctively hit the prime setting on the petcock. Still dead!
As GOD was looking out for me, the entire 4 lanes of traffic behind me zipped by without killing me and I made it all
the way over to the right shoulder.

After a few minutes to let the carb floats fill, if that was the problem, it started right up! But, it was blowing some blue/white smoke now. :???:
When I went to let the clutch out, it bogged down and died. After several attempts to get it running enough to get off the exit ramp,
I ended up pushing it the 1/4 mile to the nearest parking lot.
With a friend coming with bike trailer, here she sits:
(new tag for riding game, in front of furniture store.

I have a couple of fuel tanks to get out to fellow GSers today and will start inspection proceedures later.

Yes, I will start with pulling the plugs.