Deb hasn't ridden with me since the kids were very little. She almost never rode on my last bike as she worried about the kids if the worst happened.
Safe to say she has been a bit reluctant about having a bike in the garage and it didn't help that my oldest decided to try to get her license this fall. Still, I knew she really loved riding back then. She has occasionally mentioned how much fun the big touring bikes appear to be. (Not exactly my cup o' tea, but I could live with it.)
I was out noodling around the neighborhood on the bike tonight (a balmy low '70's here today) while the weather is good. Supposed to turn colder tomorrow. Thought I see if she was up for it and swung by the house.
A bit surprised, but she said she'd go. The bike was running beautifully (thanks to this board--in particular, Griffin and BWRinger) and I took her for a short run around the subdivision.
There is hope for the future! She said, upon returning home, "Note to self, take these ear rings off next time. The helmet was pushing them into my head."
Important words? "Next time." Didn't think I'd hear that.

The bike was just running so smoothly tonight as well. I wasn't getting on it, just enjoying the mellow, but it was just burbling along about as smoothly as a parallel twin ever gets.
Winter is going to be long this year.
Hope you all had a mellow ride tonight and perhaps got a bit of unexpected news too.