50 degrees this afternoon.
Wanted to go for ride.
Keept thinking of some riders I know that have had serious crashes in recent couple year, and a couple close calls I have had.
Was thinking "maybe something is telling me not to go today."
So I delayed my plans, and got some other things done.
Then got bike out, and stood there, gathering my thoughts, and concentrating my attention on being attentive on the ride. Then I thought I should check tire pressure, and found the front real low. Maybe that takes care of whatever was seeming so ominous. So pump up the tires, and headed out. Headed to my favorite ride that follows Muskegon River to Newaygo.
Was doing well thru all the of curves. Enjoying the ride, the weight shifting, the body leaning, the shifting, running 5-6-7k thru the curves. You know the fun excitment of that, although one curve went above the excitment fun level to the "oh crap" level, but made it through okay.
Stopped at a somewhat scenic overlook place, to gather my concentration, and take a picture.

While standing there, along came a group of 10- 12 shiney chromed out harleys. Most all of them waved, two of them were women, and none had loud exhaust.
I soon caught up to them, I should say I ran up onto them. Man, they were going slow, like 45 mph and then slowing for the curves. And two of them would go out into the other lane. I thought they were passing. Then again they would go out into the other lane. I thought maybe they were talking to some of the other riders. They did it again and again. Then I wondered if they were trying to keep me from passing.
Then We came to an intersection were either way could go into Newaygo about 10 miles away. They went one way, I went the other. And did good thru some more curves.
Went into Newaygo to go to the Jerky Store.

Was two people in there ahead of me, so I waited while they tried several samples before they ordered. Then I made my order, got it and walked outside. Standing there by bike, eating a piece of jerky, and along comes a group of Harleys. Yep, its them, I regocnize one of the two women and I recognize the guy in the back that I was following. I wave, and most of them waved, a couple of them did a double-take, like they recognized me from before. hee hee hee.
Went to head back on same route which requires taking the one road over the bridge to other side of river, but is a train acraost that road, and it is going back and forth to drop off cars on sidetracks. Arughhh.
I take that as a reason the head back another way, on the straight roads.