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Camera Mount

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    Camera Mount

    I fashioned a camera mount for the passenger peg so I could take video of my rides.

    Consists of:
    1 PVC T fitting
    1 PVC threaded plug
    1 1" 1/4-20 machine screw with nut and locking washer
    2 hose clamps

    Simply drill a hole in the plug for the screw, drop it in and secure it, slice the T fitting in two, screw in the plug, and voila! The photo above shows it on my Silver Wing, but it works on all my bikes, including the GS. (Word of caution - apply some kind of anti-slip to the inside of the PVC, like rubber, if your footpeg has none of its own, or else you'll be getting upside-down video!)

    Here's a quick video I made on my GS750 today:

    You will want to make a plastic cover for it if you want it to last very long.
    Personal experience.



      Very slick idea to make a light weight camera mount out of PVC pipe to adapt to a camera's tripod mount. I wonder if it could safely hold a light DSLR if clamped around a frame tube? That might be the ticket for hi res still photos on the move.

      As for video I've been using a Gopro HD cam for the last year and have been amazed at the results. Theire's a HD 2 available now and, from talking with friends who have used both, the new one offers even more resolution.

      Kudos again on the very clever mount.


        Just be careful here is my mount gone bad.

        [IMG]<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/IMG]


          Nice, cheap, creative mount.

          Too bad so much of the picture is blocked by the bike and your leg.

          mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
          hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
          #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
          #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
          Family Portrait
          Siblings and Spouses
          Mom's first ride
          Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
          (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


            Originally posted by Steve C View Post
            Just be careful here is my mount gone bad.



              I've got a GOPro with a Chest harness. Works pretty well.


                Originally posted by Steve C View Post
                Just be careful here is my mount gone bad.

                [IMG]<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/IMG]
                Where you able to save the camera?
                Please, more video's of that beautiful music!
                And even some pi's?



                  Yes my Canon Elf survived. Canon's are tough, I dropped my G2 on a concrete floor had a small dent and it still years later works.
                  Here is another video of my 77 Guzzi Lemans when I just got it running. Camera was sitting on wife's car.

                  Last edited by Guest; 03-16-2012, 10:11 PM.


                    Not only is she alive, she packs quite a chunk of torque too.


