The shifter is an easy fix, longer bolt with a nyloc nut at the back as backup, keeps it nice and tight, no more worn splines from loose bolt.
I have had too many Ohhhhh Sheet moments to recall, but one of the most memorable, and one which will stay with me for ever;
One afternoon, on the 1000G in a hurry to get back to the office for knock off time, cranking hell for leather, doing a 100 to the ton down a two lane dual carrigeway, which ended in a right hand corner and then 50m further a T junction, at which I turn left, so if you cauht the lights green, you could do a niffty little, crank it over right, as you hit the apex, flip it over to the left and catch the second apex and blast through.
Well, as I was approaching the right hand bend, placed myself nicely on the outside of the two lanes, lined up for the apex, cranked her over, right over, pegs dragging, and as I cut the apex of the turn, I see a muncipal bus ahead sloshing diesel all over the road from an obviously over full gas tank, right through both bends.... FUUUUUUUUUUU........

I am living proof that you can indeed live for several minutes with your heart at a complete stand still.
I stayed on top, and managed to get through, Lord only knows how, because I don't, last thing I remember was being in a two wheel slide heading for the kerb, cranked right over, waiting for the sickening noise and the pain.