A bit about me: I'm 40, on my second bike (had a 82 GS 550L), I started riding in October 2008 (about 16,000 miles ago). Got my license through the MSF class, took a refresher in the ERC, and then I took the Ride Like A Pro (New Jersey) class twice (5/2010, 7/2011).
I would take RLAP again, and I would take TCARC another time, too. Different speeds, different skills, different things learned. Bang for buck I'd go RLAP -- it was less than half the cost and it felt like we did more. There was classroom time in TCARC, which was worthwhile. (RLAP had no classroom time).
RLAP was slower-speed maneuvering, and TCARC was much more focused on the turn at a little higher speed, with emphasis on a dropped body position.
Both times when I did RLAP(NJ) there were two instructors (Bill and Al) and 6-8 students. Two instructors was nice, cuz one could narrate while the other was demonstrating.
My TCARC would've had two instructors if there'd been more than six students, but turned out there were just three students, so we all got to ride more.
I'm there on my 82 GS 1100 GL in all its glory. The instructor's on a Yamaha FJR1300 and the other two students are on BMWs (one of em brand new but the rider had been riding for years). It was pretty funny to listen to these guys talking about paying for their $18,000 bikes and tell stories of getting rims repaired for $200 instead of buying new ones for $800 and I'm thinking "I bought an entire *wheel* for thirty bucks to harvest the splines. You could buy ten of my bikes for one of yours

So the class was good. I liked RLAP more, but it was good to get a feel for leaning low into a turn and to operate more at a normal speed than RLAP's parking-lot speed. (we're talking 15-20 mph vs. 5-10).
Also the instructor evaluated our suspensions and yeah, mine's lousy (especially the front damping... there's like none). So I may be looking to change that.
Who's taken any of Lee Parks' Total Control classes?
Ride Like A Pro?
what'd you think?
Like I said, I'd take either of 'em again just for the practice.
By the way, for you L-lovers... The instructor had a thing or two to say about my buckhorns
