12 riders from Muskegon Michigan area riding in Wisconson on 2 lane highway.
Car from other direction crosses way over center line, well into the other lane, and collides with them.
Head on; bash, bash, bash, bash, bash.....
(quess I dont really know how many the car collided with, but 10 of the 12 bikes involved)
Wiscoinson Newspaper artical with photos

One guy, Dan, pronounced dead on the scene.
Another guy, Doug, critical.
Three or four others serious. Three or four treated and released.
Only 2 not injured. That was Thursday. Was on news and in papers.
(and I dont care to further discuss the event of the "accident", in this posting anyway.)
Now to tell the story I want to tell.
Sunday, I hear from some friends that some of the injured and thier familys and the family of the deseased, and his family were going to be returning to Muskegon on the Lake Express Ferry with Dans body. And they have requested that motorcycles be involved in thier arrival, and taking Dan to funeral home. And this was arranged just the day before. I did not know if was to be a procession, or a recieving line or what. Just be somewhere in area of the ferry landing at 4pm.
So I ride down to that area (about 15 miles from here). Right next to the ferry enterance is a small office complex parking lot, and was maybe 100 bikes there. SO that must be the place, so I pull in. And more bikes come in. It gets to be 4pm and more bikes have come in, now maybe 150.
I am thinking this is a good turn out. But i notice that there doesnt seem to be any police escort, isnt any funeral home cars or anything. Wait around for another half hour or so.
Chat with some of the folks. (And I notice that I am one of the very few not a H-D.)
Then off in the distance I see police flashing lights way down the road (a main road that goes all the way across Muskegon to the lake).
Then I notice that isnt any traffic from either direction, at that time.
Police flashing lights get closer and can see they are motorcycle cops .... and ...
... bikes ...
... hundreds and hundreds of bikes ...
... as far as can see ... down the road as far as can see and out of sight.
I just stood there in amazment.
The procession stopped there by the ferry enterence.

The 100 or 150 of us in parking lot apparently were just the ones that didnt really know where to go to form the procession.
After the family came out of the ferry, the procession went after them, and it took the procession about 4-5 minutes to pass by before we could pull out of parking lot to follow. That is how many there were (and not going slow either).
And just as evidence of the size/length/time of the procession, I can present these vidios. Not that I expect anyone will want to watch all of this, but just to show that this vidio is over 5 minutes long (and he missed the first part of the procession with police and family)
(I can be seen at 4:41-42).
And this vidio is over 7 minutes (has some before procession started)
(I come out of parking lot at 6:35)
The procession was blocks and block and blocks long.
So, the big part of the story I want to stress is how I thought that the 100-150 was a good turnout. And .... Then I see the procession pull up. Man, oh, man.
Later I found out They formed further away, and meet the ferry come in the channnel

About my posting title (cant change it).
Okay, it was not really a funeral.
And maybe use of "fallen" is intended for war casualities.
>>>Later Note.
Now today, a week after the "accident", it is announced that a second guy, Doug, has died today.