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Spyug's tale of woe...

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    Spyug's tale of woe...

    Well let me tell you a little tale of our GSR member Spyug....

    he started getting into bikes a wee bit latter in life, but he got started and that was a good thing.....

    but I think he is going downhill, and might need some support from us guys here.....

    I know I have not been around from day one, and I recall seeing a few pictures of his previous bikes and builds and so on, but I will start with what I know, and end with where we are at today.....

    He had one these, it was almost mine, but I was slow with the funds, and in the middle of my build, so I lost out.....

    and one of these, which he put in some blood, sweat and tears, and few swear words probably.....

    Until it was sold to this young lad, the young lad is on the left.....

    He thought he was going to have this one, but I really think once it's done, his son will take over and claim it as his own....

    I think poor spyug is now only left with this one, and some great memories....

    Well that is my story, and I am sticking to it

    But it is really all in fun, I am sure spyug will end with more than just a frame as pictured above....

    Hey buddy, hope you enjoy the attempted humor...



    You know GK, I may be way way off the mark here, and apologize if I am, but you post, although put forward as humor, holds more truth, "I think" than yo are putting forward, and made me pretty sad as I went through it.
    Maybe what you say ain't so far from the truth, what with our buddy Spyug's headwinds and all, insurance, dictating what he may and may not ride, medical complications having a say in the same, I guess at the end of the day it is all about priorities and what is important.
    Not unlike a pilot who eventually knows that the medical, and thus career is starting to hang in the balance as he gets older and starts to focus his attention elsewhere for when that day comes.
    I feel for our buddy Spyug, but regardless, he will always be part of this dysfunctional family.


      Good one D-man.

      We had a great day yesterday and I'm glad you came over. Nice of you to chronical the thinning of the herd and the thinning of my head brought on by all the stress of GS ownership and hanging around you clowns. I hope Chris (the new owner) doesn't pick up the maladies brought on from hanging out hereabouts. He was telling me today that's he's already lost a few hours to studying the amazing content of this site. I think he's hooked.

      Well I'm rushing around today getting the 750 ready for its cert tomorrow and the 550 for its one the day after,hopefully. I'd like to think I can have something legal to ride again by the weekend. I'm not out yet and with another buddy having just bought a new to him 1100 yesterday (but sadly not a GS) our posse is going to get bigger. We were yakking about it over supper last night and with the old guys down here and all our kids getting into it we are going to have 10 or 11 pretty soon. It should be a hoot and hopefully at some time we can swing down your way and hook up with the 'sauga gang. So you better get finished up down there my friend.

      I'm still waiting to hear about a road test, or at least getting the wheels and chain on. The champagne ( of bottled beer) is on ice ready to celebrate the return of the old beast. That will be another great day.

      Cheers and thanks for the kind words.
      Last edited by Guest; 06-24-2012, 04:49 PM.

