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Road Rage! Note, avoid in future.

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    Road Rage! Note, avoid in future.


    Last Sunday was shaping up to be a fine day of riding here in sunny, warm Southern California. Went out early in the morning to get some practice without traffic -- handling curves, hard braking, etc. A few hours later, went out with my son so he could get use to a new used bike -- bigger, heavier and more powerful. Nice ride with moderate curves, he set the pace, faster than my preference, but handled the bike well. Early evening while the sun was out, went out again with my son to his work site so he can get use to the parking. Normally a pleasant ride, and again son setting his own pace and me following.

    On one stretch with a sweeping curve, took off from a stop light, with a Prius on our right. Prius, must be a good guy. Son goes pass safely and quickly, me next on the sweeping curve. Just when I get to the hindquarter, car drifts into my lane quickly, forcing me to brake then swerve out of my lane into the area marked by two double yellow-line. Luckily not into on-coming traffic. Damn guy was on his cell phone not paying attention. Honked at him, tried speeding pass, gave the gesture. Rather than feeling guilty, he goes into a road rage, speed up to next to me, then purposely forcing me out of my lane again! Was p***ed, but by then we had to turn left to my son's work place. Cooled enough to let the sucker go, and being there for my son was more important than continuing a confrontation.

    Happened so fast, probably 3 to 4 seconds. Son did not even notice.

    So, what is the take away? One, idiots are out there, too distracted to realize the danger they impose on others. It is our unfortunate burden to be extra careful and watchful. Two, while it is nature to express one's displeasure, the risk seems to be to incite road rage in some situations. Some cagers are so entitled, so don't cross them. Three, be the better person, accept the sad reality that there are idiots, thus avoiding road rage. Bottom line. Honk but no flipping, despite nature instinct to do so.

    I usually get their attention and point at my own eyes to get my point across.


      Speed in front on them, then activate hidden tire spikes, just like James Bond.

      A.K.A - "tire mod"


        Better yet, Speed out in front of them, disappear into the night, and let them sit in their cage and realize how sad their pathetic little lives are.

        Life is too short to ride an L.


          Originally posted by Billy Ricks View Post
          I usually get their attention and point at my own eyes to get my point across.
          That is my "go to" gesture as well. Along with a head shake.


            I had a similar scenario last year.

            Came home from work on a different route than usual. Came up past a local shopping mall and there is an exit on a rise. I saw the guy stopping, he paused, looked at me, waited and then pulled out in front of me.

            I was on the horn, had to swerve into the other lane (same direction). Got next to him, flipped up my visor, gave him the evil eye and (no flipping off) shrug my shoulders.

            He calmly looked at me and then swerved right into me!

            I was on the brakes, trying to pass on the other side, then he would swerve across. After a few meters I just left it as I had to turn off up ahead. Next minute he slams on the brakes, wedging me between his car and the pavement. Climbed on the brakes, but still hit the corner of his bumper and the bike fell over. He looked at me and then sped off!!

            I was in such disbelief and shock that I completely forgot registration numbers and details.

            Bike was OK, his bumper not.


              Originally posted by pmong View Post
              Prius, must be a good guy.
              Your first mistake....ALL cagers are evil and out to kill us, until proven otherwise.


                I ride like everyone else on the road is trying to kill me. I have no problem zipping around someone completely violating their personal space. They want me to act like a car but I am not


                  Got to treat it like a video game, somethings always waiting to jump out and attack you. Hate to say it, but approaching a intersection where I have right away, I assume the car is going to pull out in front of me and be ready when they do. Saved my butt a couple of times.
                  Once back in KC I had a gal press me into a parked car. Saddle bags scuffed the paint. Last minute she saw me and pulled away. At the next stop sign she had the most terrified look on her face like I was going to get off my bike and come at her. I just shook my head and rode off.


                    At the intersection look at the wheels of the person that could pull out in front of you... if you see them roll at all assume they will pull out in front of you. For the idiot turning left in front of you try to pick out a reference point so you can figure out if they are moving and if they are assume they are going to turn in front of you. I learned in a class also that if someone turns in front of you the first reaction will be to swerve in the same direction as the car is going. They told us to swerve where the car has been.

                    There are some dumb people out there. The excuse is always the same. They say they didn't "see" you but they did they just didn't process you and your motorcycle in their tiny brains as a threat so they don't give a flying f*** and pull out. Because we aren't much of a threat solo people will tend to be much more aggressive also. If you do run into an aggressive ape on the road typically the only course of action is to out maneuver them and call the cops to report them before they report you.


                      Its not that they dont see you ...There not train to see you ...Some people get upset when you pass in a place they feel you shood not have ....

                      Beware passing in twos ....The first guy gets by clean ..Guy number two gets a spooked driver or HD rider...

                      Prius drivers are strange...
                      Last edited by Guest; 06-26-2012, 12:08 PM.


                        Pmong, wally. I don't know how you did it. Great self-control. Just reading your stories gives me the adrenalin feel and I don't think I could have let that go if it happened to me. My willingness to let it slide is better now than 10 years ago but not perfect. There's only so much I can take.

                        Originally posted by haztoys View Post
                        Prius drivers are strange...

                        1982 GS550M

                        Dyna S, Dyna greens, coil relay mod w/LED, Sonic Springs (.90)


                          Prius drivers are on edge because they shelled out big bucks for a car that does really look that good and isn't really that great once the warm fuzzy feeling of self importance wears off. Plus, they tend to be lousy drivers-my observations so far, not assuming that they all are.

                          I use a lot of the same skills riding as when I drove a big truck:
                          * When you see a car getting ready to enter the road, focus on their front wheel. It's really easy to spot when they start to roll.
                          *Parking lots are just as dangerous as everywhere else
                          *The farther out your view is the better, although for opposite reasons for bikes and trucks. Trucks need the extra time stop or change lanes, bikes need the extra time to position to maintain the plan B escape route from idiots.

                          Glad you kept your cool and didn't get hurt. That jerk will be in an accident sooner or later, and all the better if it's not with you.


                            Originally posted by haztoys View Post

                            Beware passing in twos ....The first guy gets by clean ..Guy number two gets a spooked driver or HD rider...
                            This happened to us yesterday. I zipped on by a line of cars behind a trailer on a small gravel road. My buddy got stuck behind for a while. Very dusty in the middle of this line of idiots. Some nimnut in a Prius or something wouldn't let him by. What an ass hole. It's not like us going ahead slows this jackass down at all, it's just that since he is so miserably suck in his POS cage he doesn't want anyone else to have any fun or make any progress down the road either.

                            I think I need a video camera to capture these cartard's license numbers, so I can google them and do something devious later.

                            Life is too short to ride an L.


                              Yeah, you just can't trust us Prius drivers anymore. What's the world coming to? So many Prius drivers go so painfully slow. And you wouldn't believe how many sport and muscle cars I have to pass while in the Prius. These people should be ashamed.
                              O LORD, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you! - David

                              Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense. - Carl Sagan

                              '80 GS850 GLT
                              '80 GS1000 GT
                              '01 ZRX1200R

                              How to get a "What's New" feed without the Vortex, and without permanently quitting the Vortex

