While we originally planned on heading to Alaska, the reality of time constrains (along with lots of advice from the folks here) changed our minds. Instead we have shortened it to California and back. A rough estimate of 8000 miles. We have taken off from work the entire month of July for this trip.
I will be bringing a small laptop and camera (of course) and so with any luck fill this thread with excellent tales of adventure and pictures.
In the event of a breakdown however, I am bringing all the tools I'd need to rebuild the bike on the side of the road, and I expect to flood the forum with lots of urgent questions

Here's hoping not to be stuck in the middle of Kansas with a broken bike

Anyways, please wish me luck as I leave for the trip I've dreamed of for years. I will update this thread if I can with my whereabouts during the ride. If any of you are so inclined to send prayers my way that is perfectly fine with me.
If anyone here feels the need to contact me, feel free to send a PM or email at TMcSparron@gmail.com. I'll be checking both when I can throughout the trip.
Thank you so much GSR for helping me turn my dream trip into a reality. Could've never done it without all the advice from you all!