As we headed south down Rt 101 the fog eventually lifted, and it was a gorgeous day. We saw a sign for the Ave of the Giants, and decided to pull off and check it out. The Ave ran parallel to Rt 101 and worth the detour.
Please forgive my photography here, the dense tree cover tricks cameras into using a much lower shutter speed than needed, and without a manual setting and a tripod, shooting in the Redwoods is quite difficult.

A bit blurry I know, but to give a good idea of what it was like.
Kyle scaling a STUMP.

The GS among the Giant Sequoias

The exposed root structure of a fallen giant.

The weather niced up enough for Kyle to ditch the rain suit. He is standing on the same tree as in the pic above.

Kept expecting to see Ewoks from behind the trees.

And of course what trip to the redwoods would be complete with riding through a big tree!

It was a bit touristy, but I figured I wouldn't be back for a while. Plus Kyle seemed interesting in getting the cute Russian girl to take our pictures.
However I probably ruined all of our coolness with the Russian girl by doing this.

Opps. The bike was tired. It DID just cross the entire country to ride through a stupid tree after all hahaha. Jeez it was heavy to pick up though. There were a few other bikers there, and one of them, a woman on the back of a fancy BMW tourer said her husband would have been screaming curses everywhere if it had been his bike. I just laughed. No damage was done.
The reason I fell was I was trying to ride one handed while putting the camera away. In the dirt. On a loaded down mule. Lesson Learned there. On the plus side this picture shows off my very high tech mounting system. A hunk of 2x12 trimmed to fit with some long bolts.
More pictures very soon!