I think my scruffy faced smile says it all really.
Where we ate our breakfast or the morning of the second day. Santa Cruz. It was pretty early so the view was blocked by some fog, but we enjoyed watching the surfers while eating some massive breakfast burritos we got from a little hippy joint. We weren't in Santa Cruz very long, it was a cool place. Just about everyone was carrying around a surfboard or wearing a wetsuit. Nice.

I will have to run through my camera and see if I have any more road pictures from these days. I know I do, but I only uploaded the best shots to photobucket.
Once we got into San Luis Obispo, we were staying at my cousins house. After much needed showers we headed up to the beach to have a better look around. It was pretty cool, although I think we stood out a bit in our riding clothes.

The beaches were empty by east coast standards, no big families monopolizing the space with all sorts of tents and things. Although this may have something to do with the much colder water, and the fact it was near sunset.

We watched the sun sink over the Pacific. Something I'd never seen before.

Also a bit of a shock for this east coast beach goer were these guys. I'm used to seeing seagulls, but these fellows were huge. And very calm and used to people. Having never seen a pelican up close before it was interesting for me. I'm sure you west coasters would've though me strange photographing your variant of winged rodents

The pelicans and the sinking sun we just the tip of the iceberg. While we were watching some sea otters playing in the waves, my aunt said she saw something BIG moving in the distance.

It was a pod of three whales. Swimming north. They would surface ever 2 or 3 minutes and we watched them for almost 40 minutes until they swam past.

Amazing creatures, and I was honored to see three of them, especially so up close. My aunt who has lived there her whole life has only seen a whale from the shore once before, and it was very far out.
It was almost as if it was the universe's way of rewarding us from coming so far from home. Signifying the end of our journey, and the start of the return adventure. A moment I will always treasure.