As I have a good friend in the service manager at our local Suzuki store (30 miles away) I called in a Suzuki lock number to be made into a key for denton550 3 days ago.
(He usually requires a title in your hand before he will make one.)
After three days of trying to get a key made by lock number, he has been out repairing boats out on the local lakes, it was finally ready for pick up!

He told me before I left that he had used his last key blank and had to order more on Tuesday.
As I have ordered ten key blanks at a time to be at my local hardware store for when I needed copies,
I went there on the way and picked up my last two blanks to give to the service manager so that he would have some
until his order came in and I also ordered another ten at my local hardware store for me before leaving there.
Rusty needs a 73 mm cylinder head gasket for Flyboy and the Nancy project.
Denton550 needed a key for the bike that he now owns in Texas.
I also had to get a duplicate of that key made to add to my collection in case someone else might need a copy.
Old_Skool needed me to send him a helmet lock and seat lock with key.
As those locks were too new to have a number stamped to know what its number was, I needed to get a copy of that one as key well for my collection and for my gas cap!
As I was just GIVING AWAY my last two blanks to the dealership, I had to look around all of the town for a still in business or open locksmith to get MY copies made.

"No good deed goes unpunished"
Several were out of business, closed or moved.

Home Depot was worthless as all that they had was common car/house key blanks!

As I don't give up easy, I doubled back to a little old hardware store in Sparks.
No Suzuki, Daewoe (sp?) blanks! I talked the lady into cutting the tip off of a couple of Mitsubishi keys and had them made ona gamble.
On the way around the towns, I stopped for the current riding game tag and the next possible tags.
By the time that I made it home to check if the one Mitsu key would work in the locks, the PO was closed as I had been gone for 5 hours and 90 miles!

BTW, the Mitsubishi blank works.

So, Rusty, O.S. and Denton won't be getting their stuff sent until Monday.

As Wednesday is the last time that we will be celebrating BEING Americans if a certain POS gets re-elected in November and it is a government paid holiday, they may not get their parts until Thursday. DRATS!!!
Just an average day trying to help.

Had some limited fun along the way:
And... I did get to ride a GS today!!!
