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Two weeks

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    Two weeks

    Hey all, thought I'd try to post some pictures of our adventure thus far. We packed up the old 78 1000 on the 24th and headed east with a possible final destination of Yellowstone National Park

    Not too bad for a 34 yr old bike, two people and full camping gear. Best pack job I thinki I've done yet on these trips. We paid our usual homage to good old BC Ferries.

    And then picked up a special treat in Sumas Washington

    I've been wanting a set of communicators for a long time and they've sure payed off. Fantastic gadgets, great for the trip. Maybe I'll do a review of them when I get home but for the trip these things are great for chatting away and listening to music. Following the lunch at 'Bobs' off we went up into the cascades via #20, decent weather and by sheer luck we got the last campsite in the National campground, talk about being a bit stressed, lol.

    It was a bit damp in the morning but soon cleared

    From there it was off to Wnthorp for shopping and chocolate.

    Last edited by azr; 08-01-2012, 12:58 PM.
    1983 1100ES, 98' ST1100, 02' DR-Z400E and a few other 'bits and pieces'
    Are you on the GSR Google Earth Map yet?

    From Winthorp we travelled along the #20 and were completely drenched. We dawned our rain gear before we got anywhere new Okanogan and didn't take it off till somewhere near Rebuplic, where we would have stayed due to our wetness but alas they had a plannd power outage that day so on to Colville and a nice warm shower in a comfortable Motel, lol.

    I tell you that was the worst weather I have ever ridden in, the hardest rain and then wind to boot. There was one road we came upon a flash flood and the local sherrif had just gotten there along with a backhoe, crazy stuff.

    We had some of the best Mexican food we've ever had in Colville though and once I remember the restaurant name I'll post it up. We carried on the Coeur D'alene and pulled in at around 3pm, the hottest weather yet, go figure. Stayed at the Flamingo Motel right down town so I could partake in some local brew and enjoy the night. GREAT motel and although the town is a bit of a young mob at night we had a good time. Started off wet but soon dried up.

    Today we drove down to Wallace and did the mining tour and I had a great surprise to find out that Wallace is the town 'Dantes Peak' was filmed in, I've always really liked that film.

    We had a great time in the town and then back tracked a bit to go down the #3 towards St. Maries and eventually have wound up in Moscow for the night. More great roads today and I have to tip my hat to you Idahodians, what a beautiful state you have. Acres and acres of marsh land, then up through National Forrests with roads that had to have been designed by riders only to be followed by rolling hills full of grains, straw and canola...breathtaking.

    Even the black clouds that we road into tonight could not have diminished the day.

    I'll post some more pics the next chance I get. Off to Lolo and the #12 tomorrow.
    Last edited by azr; 08-01-2012, 02:04 PM.
    1983 1100ES, 98' ST1100, 02' DR-Z400E and a few other 'bits and pieces'
    Are you on the GSR Google Earth Map yet?


      Sorry, Can't see any pics but it does sound like a fun trip.



        No Pics


          I've done 20 to Republic last fall, so I get the jest of it. Look forward to real pictures.

          Charlie G
          83 GS1100g
          2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050

          Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren


            Not sure what's happening with the pictures. I put new ones up now I see doubles, strange. Hopefully that doesn't keep happening. Decided to take some back roads from Rebublic to #12, an adventure to say the least. What started out as a great road along side a small river turned out to be a one lane road loping along side an enormous gully, a wee bit high, no barriers and twisty to no end, lol. Poor Lisa, afraid of heights and vast spaces, lol, opps.

            THEN, the road turned into gravel with left and right turns and NO signs. We were lost twice, thank goodness the locals are friendly, not that there we many houses in the middle of no where. Finally we found the pavement and carried on to Kooskia and then Lolo.

            That part of #12 was most definately the longest. I've pushed the fuel tank a couple of time so far but that route was the longest indeed. Have wound up tonight in Lolo, 93 degrees, wow. Thank goodness for our cooling vests. I've got to give it to Lisa, she's a real tropper, and having a blast to boot.

            1983 1100ES, 98' ST1100, 02' DR-Z400E and a few other 'bits and pieces'
            Are you on the GSR Google Earth Map yet?


              Originally posted by azr View Post
              Decided to take some back roads from Rebublic to #12, an adventure to say the least. What started out as a great road along side a small river turned out to be a one lane road loping along side an enormous gully, a wee bit high, no barriers and twisty to no end, lol. Poor Lisa, afraid of heights and vast spaces, lol, opps.
              Can you be more specific about the location of this road?
              I'm going through there the other way next week, sounds like a hoot.

              Life is too short to ride an L.


                Your pictures aren't showing up AZR because the livefilestore site requires a login to even see them. It's why a lot of us recommend places like Photobucket.
                Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

                1981 GS550T - My First
                1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
                2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

                Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
                Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
                and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"


                  Photobucket is FREE.
                  And then we could see those gorgeous pictures that we can't see now.



                    Hey Rob, glad you and Lisa are having a great time. Looking forward to seeing the pics. Stay safe and keep the updates coming, say Hi to Lisa for us.
                    No signature :(


                      I think that Mexican Restaurant in Colville is this one:

                      We were there in Sept. I agree, terrific Mex Food.

                      Sandy & I ordered the Burrito Supreme, was great, and neither of us could finish it.
                      The North Entrance to JellyStone is a nice ride in.


                        Well we made it up through to Lolo and stayed the night in Missoula as we couldn't find accomidations in Lolo. A gas station fella directed us towards the local KOA, very nice, directly under the airport runway...who builds a campground at the end of the runway?? we took a hotel far from the runway. I tell you I was a bit dissapointed by that section of the #12, I had read it was the best part but we've seen far better scenery and roads. I guess it's like reading the book first and then seeing the movie. One thing I was glad for though was the gas station at the Locksa Lodge, middle of no where and met some super nice fellas that were hanging out there.

                        We carried on the next day down the #95. The road was really quite spectacular, tons of scenery and gentle curves. Then climbing and climbing, some very big curves and into Montana we were. A real treat of a road if you're not looking for too technical.

                        We then turned left onto the #43, and up and over the #278 to a ghost town, Bannack, we spotted on a map we picked up. More fantastic scenery and a real gem of a ghost town. If you're into Ghost Towns put this one on your list. They kept the entire town as it was left. Minimal repairs and put in some board walks, never seen anything like it before.

                        One thing that has happened time after time on the trip is we find ourselves climbing and climbing to crest over and find ourselves on a massive plateau, amazing. Neither of us have seen things like this before and it's been a real treat and a breath taker at times.

                        From there we stayed at a very nice KOA in Alder, Montana and treated ourselves to a couple of tall ones and two cans of beans. Dinner is sometimes funny on the road but it's all part of the trip, and no matter what you can't get for food you know they will always have beer!

                        Last edited by azr; 08-02-2012, 04:31 PM.
                        1983 1100ES, 98' ST1100, 02' DR-Z400E and a few other 'bits and pieces'
                        Are you on the GSR Google Earth Map yet?


                          Wow glad you guys had that place to break down beside. Sounds like you guys are having a great time! Looking forward to seeing more pics when you guys get back. I don't know if you saw the pics Greg and I posted on here for Andy's show and shine last weekend but I was a great turn out.
                          Cheers to you and Lisa!!
                          Tell Lisa she is being a real trooper on this trip!
                          No signature :(



                            I understand about finding time to post while traveling. When I went to the UK last year I just couldn't find time and resolved to do it when I got back. I hope your considering coming down my way in September. I'm envious. That's one part of the country I need to explore more. Your gal seems like a champ for sure.

                            83 GS1100g
                            2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050

                            Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren


                              Link to the thread for the next time you get some time.

