I was out for a ride on a two lane secondary blacktop this afternoon and the road I was on Tee'd into a main highway. My approach to the highway was maybe a 10 degree up slope to the stop sign before turning onto the main road. I'm sitting there stopped and waiting for a line of four cars to pass. The line of cars will be passing me from my right to left. Three cars go past and then the fourth one decides to turn left onto the street I am sitting at. He doesn't look, just peels off, cuts the corner, is completely on my side of the road and fifty feet from plowing into me and putting the bike dead center on his front bumper. He sees nothing, and here he comes.
Fortunately, I was stopped on a steep incline. The only thing I could do to avoid him was let off the brake and let the bike roll backwards down the hill at about 15 mph. Had to ride the damn bike backwards for about 25 feet to get out of his way. SOB never did slow down or look, he just whizzed past and kept on trucking. I guess the moral of this story is it might be a good idea to get a bicycle and practice riding backwards until you can do it with a motorcycle. You never know what odd ball skill you might need.