Most of the exercises were repeats of what we did in the BRC but at 20mph. One new exercise not included in the BRC course was called the peanut. In this exercise, you turn at one end, accelerate down a straight, brake, turn again and exit out into a s-curve turn. I thoroughly enjoyed that exercise but wished I could have practiced it a bit more. I also found out I need to practice my clutch control more as I had problems with the weaves but did fine on U-turns (my problem area normally).
Here are some pictures. As the class only had 9 people in it (8 riders and 1 passenger), I couldn't get any riding pictures. We had a Honda Goldwing (rider/passenger), a KLR600, Yamaha R6, a Suzuki Boulevard, a couple of Harleys (Sportster and Ultra), a course bike as one rider somehow missed the "bring your own bike" instruction, and mine. One instructor had an Ultra of his own while the other rode another dual-sport like bike but I don't remember what she had. Riding experience ranged from a few months (the KLR and R6 riders) to the Ultra rider who had been riding for 40 years and just recently bought it; nice looking bike.
All staged waiting to ride

Getting signed in

Discussing a range exercise

Other bikes


For those who haven't been to a class in awhile, it will be a good refresher of some of the skills; for those who recently went, it will be basic practice. But for those who want to work on other skills, I personally think this was not the right course per se.