Turned out to just be the three of us today, the fella from the GS Twins site had to pull out so it was just Macca, Mark, and me.
Macca rode the Gixxer as he hasn't got his Qld rego plate on the Kat yet and Mark was on his very nice GS1000.
Thanks for coming along fellas, that was a great day's riding!
I was a bit slack with photos and people kept parking between the bikes at Samford every time I went to get a start shot, but trust me it was a great day with great weather. Lots of blue sky with enough cloud cover to keep it from getting too hot.
Nothing ground breaking on the route we took, but it was a bunch of fun nonetheless.
We started at Samford, went the fun way to Dayboro via Mailman's Track/Bygotts' Rd, Bunya Rd, Clear Mountain Rd and then the usual little detours like Kriesch Rd and Kobble Creek Rd into Dayboro. Much more fun than the highway.
We pulled up briefly in Dayboro to stretch legs and Macca's back:

We continued on over Mt Mee with a fun little detour via Ocean View Rd (thanks for remembering it Macca, I forgot!) and pulled into the rest area up the top for another leg stretch and a couple of pic's as well as a chat with some Ulysses fellas.

Then it was off to Woodford for a toasted sandwich or pie or whatever. Not too many bikes around as it was a Thursday but still a few cruising past here and there.

Macca had to bail out at Woodford, so Mark and I continued on via the usual roads to Maleny and we successfully got rounded up by a fella on a chook chaser who obviously knows that road really well! I couldn't believe how hard he was pushing with knobbies on... when I let him by that rear tyre was squirming all over the shop! Hopefully I have some of that on video...
Anyway, we continued on to the Bellbird Cafe near Kenilworth and pulled in for a quick drink before heading up to the Obi Obi Rd for some more fun and then instead of going through the painful Montville circus, Mark took us down to Palmwoods via a very fun little detour there.
We pulled into the Palmwoods pub for a cleansing ale before continuing on to Landsborough where on the way I got rounded up by a Nissan Patrol I think it was... that guy obviously knew the road but he could drive it as well!
Mark and I parted ways at Landsborough and even though I intended to take a different way home I completely missed the turn off and ended up taking the usual route through Maleny and back through Woodford and over Mt Mee etc.
I had to pull in to the rest stop near Dayboro to get some circulation into my butt as it was crying enough by then so I snapped a couple more shots to show the awesome weather (and the 450 of course... haha):

Then it was off home and only a short detour via Bunya Rd for me.
Once again thanks for coming guys, that was a real blast for the New Year!
Hopefully we can get some good numbers again for next time and get it on a weekend again.
I've got almost 30GB of video to edit now so will have some up late this week or early next week. My camera turned itself off several times so I'm not sure how much I missed, but at least I think I've figured out why it's happening as it's not the first time.