Rode bike to restraunt to have breakfast with some friends (not riders).
While there, a group of folks come in that I thought I recognized, one big guy has a sweatshirt with big letters "Got Harley?".
I was trying to think of a good responce to that question, and I was trying to remember where I recognized these folk from, that guy in particular.
Some responce I thought of was
- "No, don't have a Harley, but do have more than a sweatshirt here this morning."
- "Will I see more than a Harley sweatshirt here today?"
Then I remembered where I have seen these folks before. About 3 or 4 times in recent years wife and I rode to the <unspecified> club here in town for a "open to public" breakfast or fish dinner. If you dont know, This is a private service club, with clubs all over in most every city in the country. The one here in town also has a <unspecified> Rider club associated with it.
And each time we parked bike (I think one time we each rode, so could say parked bikes) and walked in past other folks in thier <unspecified> Rider patch vests and such. Sometime I would say Hi and get no responce or maybe just barley a nod. ANyway, we would go there, wait in line, sit, order, wait and eat, and leave, and all that time, not one of the Riders that were there (identifyable by vest or tshirt or such) would even say hello. Other folks, general club members, that we happened to know would stop bye to chat. Other folks that were there were friendly. But any of the Riders would look right thru us, not respond to a greeting, even when it was obvious that we came on the bike(s).
On 4th occassion (I really liked the perch dinner) I took a better look, yep, all H-Ds, not even a one V-Star, not a one Shadow, all H-D.
Ew, after remembering that, I wanted to say something even more.
But didn't.
Did go out and take the long way home, actaully didnt go home, went elsewhere for a ride.

GOt home in about 2 hours.
more pics posted here
Was 50 by time got home, and bike grimey cause roads were a bit wet in early part of the morning.