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Just about said something to "Got Harley" guy.

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    Originally posted by Hayabuser View Post
    Closer to 50 than 40 these days but still have a faired superbike in the garage... hopefully always will. It's funny that the superbikes of the 80's (the reason for this website) are exceedingly comfortable and easy to ride very long distances, yet are still "rice rockets for young people" to many. After riding a number of cruiser style bikes through my job, I'd can honestly say that I'd rather do a cross-country trip on one of my 1100's than on a Harley or other cruiser... they tout comfort as one of their strongest selling features but it's really hard on the spine and tailbone to be sitting bolt-upright like that for long periods. Give me a little rake please, or better yet, a lot of rake. I've had lower back issues for over 20 years now but still find supersport machines easiest on my body... I'm thinking it's the way that the riding position stretches my back muscles out that does it... of course the high foot pegs do give my legs fits at times but that's likely an issue for anybody over six feet tall. But cramped muscles beat bees flying up your pant-legs any day!
    I rode a friends softail with windshield and saddlebags and highway bars or engine bars with footpegs,floorboards had three different places to rest your feet.
    I did like the windshield and didn't think I would, I rode three hundred miles one day and three hundred back the next and it kicked my butt, My gs750 I do that ride and don't even feel it. Gs750= $1,200 friends harley= $16,000
    But the harley was a nice looking bike and it was still fun and maybe if I got used to it and I hear the touring models are for 500-600 and more mile days.


      Harley whispered a sweet nothing into my ear recently And I swore I'd never buy one.

      Then came the Street750:


      I'm currently on the market for a brand new Vintage/Rerto" Urban assault bike my self, I was looking at all the new bikes I could use that would be good on gas (Better then 50mpg city), easy to maneuver for in city riding but would be good fun for an occasional 200 mile blast in the mountains. Upon doing my research I dug this bike out of the dirt.

      The market is drawn to the modern up right ride motorcycle these days, the versatility that standard bikes offer. I think Harley actually had to create something that could meet those standards...

      It's a water cooled, 750 V-twin, Fuel injected, 8K RPM redline(didn't know Harleys could spin up that high), 4 valves per cylinder (WHAT). Upright seating position with proper fork rake. High build quality with nice attention to detail on all components.

      I love the look of it, Clearly it has a throw away pipe (Is Harley that confident that you'll likely toss the exhaust?) but other then that the bike has nice lines, classic style and it a totally brand new design, designed with younger riders in mind or those that need a good well rounded bike vs "specifc".

      The cruiser scene is not as popular as it once was, standards are making a come back. How could they not? they do "everything" well.

      My hang up on it???
      That one might get folded into that "Harley" crowd and be seen as a pampas poser a$$. In turn becoming that "Harley" guy. Please no...
      Main concern is long term reliability. We ( me included) are just so use to the Japanese bikes being the most reliable bikes on the market (PERIOD). Why I've only owned Japanese machines. Harley; well, we know the reputation from our inner circle chuckles on the regard of their reliability. Will it just end up on the side of the road with oil pouring out of it? Or will Harley truly be innovative and be on the side of the road spewing steam... Oof.

      Regardless I'm with glen on his explanation. I'm in it for the love of riding. Throw the stereotypes away guys no room for that crap, life is to short to just ride only one type or brand of Motorcycle...

      As Dave(Hayabuser) said elsewhere.
      Cool is defined differently by different people... I'm sure the new rider down the block thinks his Ninja 250 is cool and why shouldn't he? Bikes are just cool.

      Last edited by Jedz123; 12-09-2015, 07:11 PM.


        And speaking of cool, this.

        Liked the new Scout the minute I first saw pictures of it and still do. Reviewers have written that it is physically a small bike and since I have not yet seen one in person, I have no idea if I would look like a circus bear riding a tricycle on it, but I'd like to find out. Not planning on going to Calgary to try one though, why we don't have a BC Indian dealer, I don't know!

        As for the Street 750, best try one on for size first too. Pictures in road tests show the rider's crotch above the top of the fuel tank which, to me, is kind of odd.
        2005 Suzuki Hayabusa
        2010 Suzuki GSX1250FA
        2015 BMW RnineT



          Originally posted by Hayabuser View Post
          And speaking of cool, this.

          Liked the new Scout the minute I first saw pictures of it and still do. Reviewers have written that it is physically a small bike and since I have not yet seen one in person, I have no idea if I would look like a circus bear riding a tricycle on it, but I'd like to find out. Not planning on going to Calgary to try one though, why we don't have a BC Indian dealer, I don't know!

          As for the Street 750, best try one on for size first too. Pictures in road tests show the rider's crotch above the top of the fuel tank which, to me, is kind of odd.
          For $10K too... Cheap to get on a nice, high quality finished machine. Well designed too... The engine is incredible, with much potential (at least that's what the designers said). I too loved it as soon as it came out. I like the black over the more expensive red... That one isn't as easy to justify to buy for commuting... But damn it is nice. Not a slouch either.

          I was going to check out a Street750 today but got sidetracked and went to the Yamaha dealer instead. I wanted to throw my leg over an SR400... It's surprisingly small but the build quality is top Notch, like exceptional. The one I sat on was $5500 new... Dip stick was in the frame near the triple tree... Weird. I think I could get over the kick start.

          Nice bikes to be had out there.
          Last edited by Jedz123; 12-09-2015, 08:35 PM.


            As Dave(Hayabuser) said elsewhere. Cool is defined differently by different people... I'm sure the new rider down the block thinks his Ninja 250 is cool and why shouldn't he? Bikes are just cool.

            I would and have had fun on a moped and even a 3.5 briggs powered deathtrap.


              LOL. The apple doesn't rot far from the tree:

              The Harley-Davidson Street 750, a bike created to bring new riders into HD’s aging ownership group, just failed a very basic braking test conducted by a major riding magazine. The magnitude of this braking failure could call into question the safety of every Street 750 on the road.
              "Thought he, it is a wicked world in all meridians; I'll die a pagan."
              ~Herman Melville

              2016 1200 Superlow
              1982 CB900f


                Originally posted by GS1150Pilot View Post
                LOL. The apple doesn't rot far from the tree:

                Now this is a funny comment!

                The English GuySean MacDonald9/08/15 6:00pm

                Was the tester wearing the approved Harley Davidson long sleeve t-shirt, the approved Harley Davidson gay pirate tie dyed do rag? Did they have their keys on an approved Harley Davidson key fob? Had it recently been unloaded from a trailer behind a Harley Davidson branded F-150 with a Harley Davidson plate bracket?
                Harleys are not like cheap jap bikes. They are precision engineered machines, designed to work together with the full range of Harley Davidson equipment.
                Without bringing all of those pieces together, you have to expect some undesireable behavior.

                2005 Suzuki Hayabusa
                2010 Suzuki GSX1250FA
                2015 BMW RnineT



                  Jedz: " I was going to check out a Street750 today but got sidetracked and went to the Yamaha dealer instead. I wanted to throw my leg over an SR400... It's surprisingly small but the build quality is top Notch, like exceptional. The one I sat on was $5500 new... Dip stick was in the frame near the triple tree... Weird. I think I could get over the kick start. "
                  Lad, that is the choke…
                  1982 GS1100G- road bike
                  1990 GSX750F-(1127cc '92 GSXR engine)
                  1987 Honda CBR600F Hurricane


                    The Indian is a stunner. As for the SR400, I'll take an '86 SRX600 ANY day.
                    "Thought he, it is a wicked world in all meridians; I'll die a pagan."
                    ~Herman Melville

                    2016 1200 Superlow
                    1982 CB900f


                      I agree with most folks here that it doesn't really matter what brand of bike you ride, we all share the enjoyment of the motorcycle riding experience.

                      But I love the old expression "Harley Davidson: The most effective machine at turning gas into noise without the side effect of horsepower. " lol
                      1982 GS1100E "Jolene"


                        Lol....the stereo type of the obnoxious Harley biker is alive and well. Nice! Drinking multiple beers while at "gathering" and giving the finger. Who needs to grow the "Fook" up?? Lol...what a beauty.
                        But Im a Kawi rider....dikkhead....

                        That finger was flung specifically at your types. 80% of the bikes there were Harleys, 10% were Brit. Japs took the last 10%. Nobody was shunned or dissed or risrespected.
                        HOWEVER....ther was one guy on a Yammy sportbike that kept blazing around the campground area. He had his azz and his POS dragged off the property.

                        Why do I need to ride in the back ?....thats MY respect for the club, mf ...Im not a member, and 1% clubs have a heiarchy....much like most of the world's govenments. But when Im with em at a location, I get treated as an equal. Thats fine with me. I respect them, they respect me. I seriously doubt that you and others like you get that kind of respect.

                        About a year ago, I had a splenectomy, and was late on my 81 member gave me the balance I needed. No payback needed, he said. Just keep bein "Wolfie"....

                        And why did I post again after saying I wasnt going to ?....NUNYA.....besides, I get really frustrated and ticked off when I read idiocy and ignorance.

                        Have a nice day.....and kma !....


                          Originally posted by Buffalo Bill View Post
                          Jedz: " I was going to check out a Street750 today but got sidetracked and went to the Yamaha dealer instead. I wanted to throw my leg over an SR400... It's surprisingly small but the build quality is top Notch, like exceptional. The one I sat on was $5500 new... Dip stick was in the frame near the triple tree... Weird. I think I could get over the kick start. "
                          Lad, that is the choke…
                          Nope, that is the dip-stick, dry sump with frame downtube is the oil tank. And no choke either, they're fuel injected now.
                          Dee Durant '83 750es (Overly molested...) '88 gl1500 (Yep, a wing...)


                            A beautiful song by david allan coe. I do not own any pictures shown here, nor do I own the rights to this music, so my thanks to d.a.c. and david mann (R.I....

                            (you may substittute you fav vintage bike brand in place of "Harley"....Ive done it fer my Kawi)....

                            ...and know what.... all you haters out there seriously need to get some psychotherapy(go jerk off to the internet)....thats just sick sheit yer posting....and know somethin else, posts like yours make relations between brand riders worse.....know what that makes ya MFs ????...a fookin terrorist !!!!...."deliberately instigating" the way....mods and admins....I was PERSONALLY attacked in this thread.....doesnt that constitute a violation of the forum TOS ????....mebbe I should post a copy of it someplace....Ive read the forum TOS...apparently a few havent....

                            PANHEADS FOREVER !!!!!
                            ...if ya dont like that statement...c'mon and visit me, lol.....
                            ...fookin have no clue !!!!!....

                            I ride Jap, Brittish, American, German.....what ya gonna bash about me now MF's ????
                            Last edited by Guest; 12-11-2015, 10:36 PM. Reason: azzholes


                              To all those who decided to personally assault me......(doesnt that violate TOS here ?...or am i free to threatten ?)...

                              ...suck my fishtail...
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Guest; 12-11-2015, 11:18 PM.


                                This is what I think about what YOU think....

                                Last edited by Guest; 12-11-2015, 11:19 PM.

