The next night I went to get it towing my neighbor's 12ft landscaper trailer. I was having trouble backing it into his driveway and saw traffic coming a couple hundred yards away so I gave up and started get the whole rig back into road the right way and just got my truck clear when the drunk driver slammed the front corner of the trailer going about 45. It snapped the hitch ball off, tossed the trailer many feet and peeled the side of his shiny BMW wide open. There was a rather horrible sound I'd rather not hear again.
It just happened that the seller was the local fire chief. No 911, he called radio dispatch directly and we had a cop there in under 3 minutes. Maybe only 2. No one was hurt, but the seller's son just evaded the flying trailer. I had to go home without it and explain to my neighbor why I did not have his trailer. We went back the next night with another ball and got it home in one piece.
It was missing a chain guard which is required for inspection. I hit the local bike boneyard which in poorly organized and overgrown with weeds. There was a pile of chain guards behind the barn. Wonderful, this will kill my Saturday..... I hope I can find something I can force to fit.... wait, what's that? The 3rd one I touched had "GS450L" written on it. It was the only marked one in the pile.

While I was in my driveway messing with it days later, a couple of guys came by to buy my neighbor's son's truck. One of them was Kerrfunk, who told me about this site. That was 3 years ago. Right now I'd really like to buy the bike he has for sale and sell the 450 to my neighbor but alas, I cannot at the moment. The 450 got a new chain, brake bleed, and a good spring cleaning last weekend. It's a bit small for my 285 lb. heiney but it works and I like it. It looks like we'll have another Summer together, and that's all right.