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what would you have done?

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    Originally posted by gustovh View Post
    A guy got out of his car and came at me with a bat, I pulled out my empty pistol and showed it to him. He got back in his car and left.

    I try to avoid confrontation, let him have the road and you control the situation.
    I am glad the guy didn't pull out a loaded one and showed it to you......

    an unloaded gun is useless, and can potentially get you shot, and you have no way of shooting back...

    if your allowed to carry, then have it loaded, if your allowed, and if you cannot, leave it at home as it's useless to you empty.....

    that time you got lucky, the next time you might not be so lucky......

    just saying...



      Originally posted by SeanMora77 View Post
      Interesting to hear everyone's take on this situation. The thought crossed my mind to get this guys plate number, but speaking from experience I really don't think it would have done much good. When there are no witnesses present to corroborate your story the police aren't much help, at least in the town I live in. Maybe a helmet cam would be a wise investment.
      I have an aversion to violence, I try to avoid it at all costs, however, in this situation I feel strongly that a lesson was in order for this scumbag and I wish I could have served him a healthy beating. He absolutely deserved one. Running the light would have been fully acceptable too, and if this type of situation ever occurs again that is what I will do. This option did not escape me, but I suppose a certain amount of testosterone fueled bravado did not want to let this fool know that he had me sweating in the slightest. Reactive and stupid on my part.
      I live in an area with a really healthy biker population. Funny thing is I have not one friend that rides... I'm going to make it a point to find a friend to go riding with.
      You said it- police will not help you ever. Law abiding citizens are the bad guys now days.


        To answer the original query: I would look for space and drive through the light. If not, then turn right and leave him there.

        That may sound backwards, but many years ago I began watching the mirrors whenever I approached a red or amber light and have often had to drive through to avoid being rear-ended. I choose to take the most expedient means of avoidance, and that usually means straight ahead.

        With an idiot doing brake-stands behind me, I would consider this is a very real danger and would remain there no longer than absolutely essential.
        A take-away:


          Let's see, get off the bike so he can't kill you... go to his window to talk to him... if he actually talks to you tell him why that is a really stupid thing to do with a motorcycle sitting there. All is good, you are done.
          If on the other hand he's a big pussy and he leans way away from you in fear, bust his window with a head butt, reach in and grab his car keys, and ride away.

          Life is too short to ride an L.


            I had my bike stall at a stop light before I sorted the carbs and the person behind me started laying on her horn and revving the engine. I quickly put my bike on the kickstand and moved to the side of the road. I had a telephone pole and a bus stop bench between me and her aggression. After she satiated her angst and peeled past my parked bike I calmly retrieved my bike got it started and rode home and fixed the mechanical issues. I left the escalating emotional outbursts in her court. I may have done something similar in your case.


              Originally posted by SqDancerLynn1 View Post
              It is not worth confronting anyone! You never know who has a gun
              I do!


              Life is too short to ride an L.


                Just saw this happened the other day, a biker was in the right lane and some little Jap hot rod comes screaming up behind him ( saw him coming up fast as it was in my mirror). They start tail gating the biker running up behind him tossing him the finger and crap. We come to a stop light and the biker pulls over further to the right and just sits there all the time they are yelling at him and crap, he just looks at them. Light changes he sits there and they speed off. Thing is and I think these fools are in for it at some time, the biker was a Bandito with his colors on. He followed them for a bit until they turned off. Think he got their plate number heheheheh.
                sigpicMrBill Been a GSR member on and off since April 2002
                1980 GS 750E Bought new in Feb of 1980
                2015 CAN AM RTS

                Stuff I've done to my bike:dancing: 1100E front end with new Sonic springs, 1100E swing arm conversion with new Progressive shocks installed, 530 sprockets/chain conversion, new SS brake lines, new brake pads. New SS fasteners through out. Rebuilt carbs, new EBC clutch springs and horn installed. New paint. Motor runs strong.


                  Great posts here. I had to quit riding when road-rage was everyday in the city.
                  Now, I'm in a Better Place and have the leisure to spin the analogy of a Fox meeting a bear or cougar in the midst of a herd of cattle...."Fighting Back" is the last resort for a fox.
                  Where the Rancher-Cop is absent, my comfort is that Bear and Cougar will eventually meet and take each other out ....


                    The Memorial Day weekend citidiots were on their way up north to vacationland where I live yesterday. I was on my way back home from a visit to the VA, traveling the same direction. Not much problem with the cagers, except they couldn't find their gas pedals. However, there was a jerk in his leathers, no helmet, etc. that had to show how absolutely hot he was on his V-twin as he tailgated me and finally passed me, as he was sure my ricer couldn't go as fast as he could. I was turning right in 1/2 a mile, didn't need to show him how fast I could go. Besides that, I know where all the cops are along that route. Hope he got pulled over......


                      I carry stones in my pocket for people like this, lucky for them I always miss at speeds above 30, but a nice pebble to the windshield wakes em up.
                      Man I wish that was the truth, sounds good in my head BUT, I just pull over let em by if I can't lose em in traffic.
                      Scare the CRAP out of a kid yesterday driving like a beggiinneerr driver, passed him and pulled the clutch in and let out a BRAAAAP from the ol' G/K with aftermarket pipes, ,saw him ion my sideview drop a load in his pants hahahahahahha


                        I think you did as best as possible.

                        To all the aggressive people out there you are idiots, one person on a motorcycle is at a huge tactical disadvantage.

                        To all the people talking guns, since this comes up on the gun forums as often as the sun rises, having a concealed carry on you is an excellent idea, however with the way laws are set up pulling it out even if you don't point it at someone is a very bad idea. A gun is a defensive weapon (unless you are in the military) for when you are confronted by a larger number of people or people who are armed, it is not a show of force. Also I personally believe if it can't be carried with a round in the chamber its not a safe (or useful) carry gun.
                        There is a logic fail concerning pointing a gun at someone with a running car pointed at you or driving parallel in the next lane, see if you can figure out what it is.
                        Open carry being considered normal like Texas is a beautiful idea, implied threat without legally implying a threat. People are worlds more polite when a gunfight might break out over rudeness.

                        In a legal situation you either have reliable witnesses or you have no case, a go pro helmet cam has proven itself to be an excellent witness in more cases than I can count. However everything I have seen so far for them is not very aerodynamic at all at freeway speeds and impossibly clunky, the handlebar mount is better but not as
                        useful for things tailgating (though you could remove it and point it if stopped).
                        Riding with others is your best defense really.

                        Being on a motorcycle or bicycle is like being a pedestrian, you have the right to be flattened or bumped off the road and those are your only rights, remember that before you tangle with an angry car.


                          Originally posted by PPPPPP42 View Post
                          I think you did as best as possible.

                          To all the aggressive people out there you are idiots, one person on a motorcycle is at a huge tactical disadvantage.

                          To all the people talking guns, since this comes up on the gun forums as often as the sun rises, having a concealed carry on you is an excellent idea, however with the way laws are set up pulling it out even if you don't point it at someone is a very bad idea. A gun is a defensive weapon (unless you are in the military) for when you are confronted by a larger number of people or people who are armed, it is not a show of force. Also I personally believe if it can't be carried with a round in the chamber its not a safe (or useful) carry gun.
                          There is a logic fail concerning pointing a gun at someone with a running car pointed at you or driving parallel in the next lane, see if you can figure out what it is.
                          Open carry being considered normal like Texas is a beautiful idea, implied threat without legally implying a threat. People are worlds more polite when a gunfight might break out over rudeness.

                          In a legal situation you either have reliable witnesses or you have no case, a go pro helmet cam has proven itself to be an excellent witness in more cases than I can count. However everything I have seen so far for them is not very aerodynamic at all at freeway speeds and impossibly clunky, the handlebar mount is better but not as
                          useful for things tailgating (though you could remove it and point it if stopped).
                          Riding with others is your best defense really.

                          Being on a motorcycle or bicycle is like being a pedestrian, you have the right to be flattened or bumped off the road and those are your only rights, remember that before you tangle with an angry car.

                          Your a sheep and future statistic.

