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I got the idea from Muhamid Alli

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    I got the idea from Muhamid Alli

    On the I-95 interstate driving at mostly 80 to 85 mph in my Kia rio i often found myself in the left lane stuck behind someone who felt the rest of the world was not allowed to drive any faster then he was. To make it more uncomfortable a huge SUV that was comfortable at 90 or more would always seem to appear behind me with his lights on. I remembere how Alli used the rope a dope to take advantage of his aponent so i used the push a dope((my invention i think)). I just moved one lane to the righr and allowed the SUV to tailgathe the lane blocker 8O 8O . It works every time . Even better when a semi is available . Road rage not necessary here.

    That's using your noodle, Honeybug.


      Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove


        Originally posted by Hoomgar
        Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove
        Somehow I dont't think that was said to tell us how to act while driving on the interstate Mark


          I still want to see you float like a butterfly.

          I'm sure Rocky can sting you like a bee.



            Originally posted by slopoke
            Originally posted by Hoomgar
            Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove
            Somehow I dont't think that was said to tell us how to act while driving on the interstate Mark
            Maybe not but it is fitting

