Long ago the bike test here consisted of the tester asking you to do a circuit along the quays, up cinema lane, along south main,up Barrack, down Parnell to Trinity and so on. He would ,on foot, observe and halt the procedure when satisfied or not but he issued a caution that at some point on the circuit he would emerge on to the roadway without warning to test the applicant's skill in emergency stops.
We're talking two stroke Honda 50 here. On the day in question it was drizzling a soft rain and our hero donned a suit of yellow oilskins and set out on his test circuit with much apprehension. The tester elected to test the emergency stop skills on Parnell, a hazardous street which could have as many as half a dozen cars parked and offered opportunities to spring out from between them at the last moment.
Spotting the Honda and yellow oilskins he carefully laid his trap and sprang it only to be run over, capsizing the bike and rider who swore at him roundly and threatened surgical procedures.
As he lay dazed on the wet street he chanced to look up to the intersection with Barrack and saw another Honda 50 with a rider in yellow oilskins carefully picking his way , checking the gaps between the cars.