Was great.
Had not had more than a short evening ride in about 3 weeks.
Last several weeks have been busy with wife recovering from surgery, and has been hectic at work, and other demands on me. And other troubles.
Last couple weeks have been great weather, finally...... mild or warm, but not humid.
Was annoyed that had too many demands on me that could not get out, and now the weather is starting to get hotter and more humid (well, for here anyway). It felt like the best part of the riding early summer season was about to pass.
No big adventure, nothing exciting.
Just was good to get out for 6 1/2 hours.
Did push it some thru some places, but mostly took it easy. (and my usual stop-for-picture at some places)
Just was good to get out, with no real agenda...
Was good to get out... before having a house full of in-laws for the rest of the 3 day weekend.
Well, I did have an agenda:
1. Get out in early morning for breakfast.
2. Then Ride two countys north. (thru Ottawa, thru Muskegon, into Oceania, and maybe Mason)
3. THen follow the front fender on what ever road looks like might be interesting. DOnt look at map. Dont even take GPS. Dont even think about where I might be or how to get back. Just go and decide which way to go at each intersection, with a general intent on going north or maybe west, but any direction that the road/land looked interesting.
4. Do not even look at the time, untill think it might be early-mid-afternoon.
THe fact that was heavy cloud cover helped with #3, in that, after a while I was not even sure if I was going north or west, until I hit the lakeshore.
The Lakeshore Drive and Scenic Drive thru Muskegon COunty is a good ride, some wide sweeping curves up and douwn wooded dunes.
Some of the best parts for riding do not lend them selves to a good photo. But did stop at some places.
Did sprinkle same as was predicted, but, hey, I needed to get out for a ride. Have some time to myself before the onslaught of in-laws for 3 days.
THen THru Whitehall and into the farmand orcahrds.
Just pick a road. Most are staright, but few are flat. A few curve around creeks or ponds, and along lakeshore is curvy (but all you see of the lake is closed gates at the end of long driveways thru wooded dune).
Found "Old Highway 99". That sounded intersting. So head north (or what I think is north). THinking I might find old gas stations from the 50s or something on "Old Highway 99".
Nope. Same farm and orchards......
..... and becomes a dirt road ... that leads to other dirt roads.
Maybe it was Highway 99 in 1902 or something.
. (more)