Unfortunately, lately, I have been having thoughts of mortality.
''What if '' scenarious. I always try to leave a fair margin for error, but when your going 80-100 mph on a twisty section that margin shrinks to the distance you have before you impact that embankment, tree or guard rail.
What if my brakes failed to slow me down for that trail braking corner I just entered or if my chain decided to snap now. I've struggled with the rivet links, basically destroying the back plate by pushing the chain prongs through the plate. All in the attempt to get the front plate over the prongs. So I've settled for the clip which I've discovered missing at least a half a dozen times. One time the link was backing out , but had bent slightly holding the chain together. All the other times the plate is intact and seated enough to insert another clip. I've been dabbing aviation gasket sealer on the link with better luck. I had one let go this summer, just the clip, luckily.
As of late though, its been frustration with the growing population. Everywhere I go I seem to get stuck behind some RV or SUV right when I get to a twisty section. My moments in the zone seem to be shrinking.
I guess its time to sign up for another track day. It's been a couple years now. Thats a real good place to get in the groove. Carter