Tonight on my way home from work at about 11:30 PM, I stop at a light getting ready to turn leftto head up over the mountian between Radford (where I work) and Blacksburg (where I live). I look in my mirror at the while waiting and see this harley coming up, he pulls up beside me. Looks over the bike, then looks at me and says " Nice night for a ride huh?" "Yep sure is!" (56*) " You gotta ride when ever you can in the winter months I guess" I respond "For me that is everyday there is no ice, snow is fine, I will ride in snow, but not ice." He just chuckled and muttered something about young'n will get aches and creaks soon enough 8) Anyway we exchange plesantries for another couple seconds and then the light turns and I ride off first, not screaming off or letting the thing make a lot of noise, but just a brisk take off and he followed me and we wound through the mountian for the next several minutes being the only two on the road in the middle of a great night! I loved it, made me feel that maybe there are some Harley owners who aren't in it just for the attitude, and image but for the fun and pure enjoyment of riding as well.
