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"The Air Cooled Street Suzuki Forum" ???
"The Air Cooled Street Suzuki Forum" ???
Has anyone considered enlarging the scope of "The GS Resources Forum"? It would seem a natural to include the GR650 Tempter and the LS650 Savage/Boulevard S40? Maybe make it an Air Cooled Street Suzuki Forum? The Savage will be around for much longer and in greater numbers than most bikes currently being promoted here? I don't understand Suzuki terming the Tempter as a "GR" instead of a "GS"? You would differentiate the Savage from the current 4 cylinder GS650 via the name Savage or S40.Tags: None
They already made I4 GS 650s so marketing confusion is minimized. The Tempter was is a lovely bike. You still see a few for sale on kijijijijijij..................some pristine.
The Savage\Intruder being around longer is a guess manu until late 2000s??
No water buffalo in your neck of the woods? No air oil cooled machines?
Most of the guys on here will die before their bikes do. In fact many of the helpful decent folks are gone and a rump of zombified self-aggrandizing curmudgeons remain.
1983 GS 550 LD
2009 BMW K1300s
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I have the money and I'm ready to pull the trigger on a new bike ... finally! My front runner is the GS450 with the GR650 a close second and the GS500 a distant third. I'm ruling out the Yamaha XS650 due to the weight and the KZ440 will give me problems insofar as parts are concerned. I see much to commend the LS650/S40 but the long wheelbase is a turn off as well as the forward ish controls.
I find it rather sad that the Savage owners don't have a site that remotely compares to "GS Resources".
"Zombified Self-Aggrandizing Curmudeon" ... try saying that 3 times fast!
There used to be a forum called GSTwins, but it seems to have shutdown some years back. There was a really great KZ650 forum that shut down also. These old bikes are losing the love they once had. This forum is likewise affected; there are far fewer people doing projects than before. It seems that every year we run into the same "funding" issue, also.Ed
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While doing some research at I was surprised that not a single soul, that I'm aware of, ever got around to mounting a speedo/tach typical motorcycle instrument cluster in front of the handlebars. I despise gas tank mounted speedos. Apparently no one ever mounted a center stand on a Savage? There doesn't seem to be much going on with installing larger fuel tanks. I didn't see any mention of installing the dr650 thumper engine in the Savage which seems a natural idea?
I can't help but compare suzukisavage to thegsresources. I believe that if the Savage was a GS bike that the owners here would have been all over these examples. Maybe these things are being done but as far as I can tell, no one at suzukisavage seems to be aware of them?
For the brief window in time that I considered the Savage as my next bike, my excitement at maybe being able to introduce some of those aforementioned "improvements" to the Savage was out weighed by the knowledge that thegsresources wouldn't be my go-to online source! Still, the community at suzukisavage seem very helpful and friendly.
Most of the modding I've seen with small bikes is confined to the hackers, er, bobbers & cafe crowd. And small bikes are more often than not used by beginners. Don't take me wrong, I like small bikes, and have owned a lot of them, but just say'n...Ed
To measure is to know.
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Originally posted by Cipher View PostThey already made I4 GS 650s so marketing confusion is minimized. The Tempter was is a lovely bike. You still see a few for sale on kijijijijijij..................some pristine.
The Savage\Intruder being around longer is a guess manu until late 2000s??
No water buffalo in your neck of the woods? No air oil cooled machines?
Most of the guys on here will die before their bikes do. In fact many of the helpful decent folks are gone and a rump of zombified self-aggrandizing curmudgeons remain.
That said, this forum has many members who ride different bikes of all sizes and types and there is a vast amount of information available.
That is the reason GSR has grown exponentially over the years.
If you want help and knowledge about GR or GS this is the best place to get it.
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